Walmart, Dollar General and Family Dollar are all under fire to overcome buyers

They were slapped with considerable fines.

With the inflated prices today, the last thing you want to learn is that you have been overloaded. All of the gas grocery store costs much more - and with the holiday season on us, we all try to avoid bomb Additional cash as much as possible. However, some of the largest retailers (and generally the most affordable) have been criticized to overcome customers. Read more to find out how Walmart, Dollar General and Family Dollar would make customers pay more than they should be.

Read this then: General dollar stores have been closed for major violations .

One of these dollar store chains faces a prosecution.

Dollar General Retail Location. Dollar General is a Small-Box Discount Retailer.

This is not the first time that one of these large name companies has gained differences for price differences. Dollar General ended up facing a trial After stores are triggered on Ohio customers.

According to a press release of November 1 of the Ohio Prosecutor General's Office (there are), Dollar General Stores in " several counties "Loads higher prices customers in the register than what has been listed on the shelf. The trial alleges that Dollar General violates the Ohio consumer sales practices by listing inaccurate prices, appeal "Advertising bait and switching".

Family Dollar, who belongs to Dollar Tree, also faced criticism, such as " The same type of chess "Were reported in Butler County stores, Ohio. In a press release of November 3, auditor of Butler County Roger Reynolds , of the weight and measures division, confirmed that 13 family dollars stores Checking of stranded prices With error rates between 12 and 84% (well above the 2% error rate allocated), but with some of the differences in favor of customers.

Reynolds advised the public to be wary of these price differences, but now the problem affects even more buyers.

Another state quotes problems.

walmart shopping cart
Harun Ozmen / Shutterstock

In North Carolina, good deals hunters are also pay more That they should be, according to a press release of December 9 of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (NCDA and CS) of December 9. About 70 stores in 38 counties were fined for price scanner errors after the ministry carried out its standard unexpected inspections. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Among the stores that were overcharging, there were 28 general locations, 18 family locations and 14 Walmart stores, with fines reaching up to $ 5,000 per store. In addition, two Circle K stores have been condemned to a fine, as are individual locations such as Minuteman Food Mart, The Fresh Market, Tractor Supply, Sam's Mart, Lowes Foods, Advance Auto, Staples and Target.

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These errors were increasing.

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Price scanner errors are not new in North Carolina, because the NCDA & CS stores sentenced to a fine in April and still in August . According to the Commissioner for Agriculture Steve Troxler , around 26% of the price scanner failed inspections in the past year only.

"Our Division of Standards continues to see a significant increase in stores with price scanning errors, because many stores continue to face staff shortages. Overloads cost consumers, we therefore remain vigilant in the store inspection In order to protect consumers ", Troxler Troxler said in the press release. "During the holidays, especially every penny, and we want consumers to be careful during departure."

As in Ohio, the Northern Carolina State allows an error rate of 2% on overcharging, and when the levels are higher, the inspector establishes a monitoring inspection. Stores continue to be reinstalled every 60 days until the error rate is at a rate of 2% or lower. (Subhabments are also reported, but they have no negative impact on the store, according to the press release NCDA & CS.)

If you think you have been surfing, be proactive.

looking at receipt
Madrolly / Istock

According to the press release, you must alert store management if you see an incorrect price on your reception or a different price in the register of what you have seen listed on the shelf. "It is always a good practice for consumers to check their receipts as well as the price on the shelf to make sure they pay the correct amount and the alert managers if they are not correct," declared Troxler in the press release.

In response to a request for comments by e-mail, dollar tree C Hief Communications Officer Kristin Tetreault Told Better life, " At Family Dollar, we are going to meet the needs of our buyers and provide them with great values on the products they need and want. We are committed to complying operational to all applicable federal, state and local laws. ""

Better life Also contacted Dollar General and Walmart to comment, but has not yet heard.

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