8 signs that you are about to enter the area of ​​friends

Being in the area of ​​friends is one of the most disappointing things, whether you are a girl trying to win your crumpley or a boy, desperately trying to become a boyfriend. Anyway, it's not fun and will even fall the happiest person.

Being in the area of ​​friends is one of the most disappointing things, whether you are a girl trying to win your crumpley or a boy, desperately trying to become a boyfriend. Anyway, it's not fun and will even fall the happiest person. But even with such a delicate matter, there are things that can help you avoid any disappointing experience, signs that will prepare you for things to come. Look closely, if your crumple shows one of these elements, it's time to cope with the truth - you are friend-zoned!

He tells you the embarrassing stuff
There are two types of people you share your embarrassing moments of mist with - your parents, because you know, they have seen you at your worst, and your friends, because you do not need to look good in front of them - They 'I saw at your worst too! That's why if a guy shares all the messy stuff with you, it means he only see you as a friend.

He says you're cute, but nothing more
He can appreciate the way you look friendly, but you will never hear anything more than just "cute" from him. It finds you adorable, but not desirable enough to move things to the next level. No matter how much you are trying to dress up, he never notice these efforts!

You hang together, but never go out with
There is a huge difference between stepped in time and move on to a real date with dressing and making an effort to create something beautiful together. You definitely know the difference! So, if you meet frequently, but you have never been on a romantic date, there is a good chance that you are totally familiar.

He never tried to make a gesture
Guys are hunters by nature, that's why they are likely to make the first movement when they fall for someone. If you have already seen you for a while, but he has not even tried to touch you, let yourself go back to you, then you are probably about to enter the area of ​​friends or that He has already arrived. Look at your body language and try reading signs!

There is always a third wheel around
He does not want to be alone with you or just do not like you enough to do something date. That's why you're still surrounded by his friends and other people, you do not even have the chance to do something romantic. Social relations are important, but this way is almost impossible to build an intimate partnership!

He says what good friend you are
This one is quite simple, but if a guy tells you that you are his best friend or even calls his "boyfriend", then it's a certain sign that you have crossed in the area of ​​friends. Once a man begins to see you as a friend, it is almost impossible to earn his romantic interest. We do not exhort you to despair, but you must be realistic about your relationship!

He tells you of his crude
Yes, this one hurts a lot, but if the guy you love feels comfortable to tell you a girl he has fallen, then you have to not think further - it's the area of ​​friends that you are! There is a very small chance that he simply tries to make you jealous, but let it face that, it's not the way men do things when it comes to relationships. Nevertheless, just to make sure, you should gather your courage and confront the guy so that things are clear.

You are not happy
That's all - if the relationship you do not find does not make you happy, so it's a certain sign that it's not a good. When your emotional needs are not met, you will gradually feel the worst of yourself, and it's not the way relationships are supposed to be! It's time to be honest with yourself and the guy you love. Let it know what you feel and see where you need!

Categories: Relationships
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