10 errors you make that wreaking havoc on your home in winter, say the experts

Overlooking these problems could mean a disaster in cold weather.

Winter destructive forces can damage our houses in a way that we may not even be considered in hotter months. Ice, snow and icy temperatures Average pipes can freeze, heating systems can fail and clogged gutters can cause ice cream lesions. If you know what to check before the arrival of winter, you can avoid calamities in cold weather and enjoy your refuge while looking at the snow accumulates outside. Continue to read to hear home maintenance experts on the biggest mistakes you make that wreaking havoc on your home in winter.

Read this then: 10 errors you make that keep your house cold, say the experts .

Do not prepare your pipes.

icicles on a pipe
Shutterstock / Nazarova Mariaia

One of the most common winter dangers is frozen pipes. Although this can happen for several reasons, according to Bill Samuel , a region of Chicago Residential real estate developer And the general entrepreneur, he often occurs "when the owners forget to let the taps flow during freezing days or leave the devices disconnected over long periods".

To avoid this, Samuel says "you must wrap pipes exposed in the insulation and ensure that your attic is adequately evacuated to avoid freezing." And don't forget to drain and turn off the backyard taps, and remove the pipes and separators from the tap before the cold.

Do not approach water infiltration.

leakage spot on ceiling

Do not leave the leaks and the drops persist when the temperature drops. "If water penetrates your walls or ceilings, this can cause structural damage," said Matt Hagens , carpenter and founder / CEO of Obsessed wood work . "Make sure you catch leaks from the start so that they don't get too much a problem later."

And realize that frozen pipes make leaks more likely. "Gel and fluctuating low temperatures make leaks even more likely to occur, as Water galling in your plumbing Place an insurmountable amount of stress on your pipes, causing cracks, "explains Winters Home Services.

Aside from the obvious drops, the ways of locating a leak include low pressure, mold and tips in your water bill, according to Winters.

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Ignore maintenance of the heating system.

white hvac tech bleeding boiler
Shutterstock / Speedkingz

A common trap that finds the owners in the cold is to push the maintenance of heating units until the last minute - or after it is too late.

"A faulty or broken CVC unit is one of the most common problems with which the owners are confronted in cold weather. If you do not clean and inspect your oven regularly Marty Ford , president of Balle testing systems . "In addition, if your system is not properly evacuated, carbon monoxide and other toxic gases can flee in your home, putting you as well as your family in danger." Checking the unit exhaust vent for snow and ice obstructions is a key step.

Do not hold on gutters and shortcuts.

Gutter full of leaves strange house noises

Water can freeze on surfaces such as roofs and gutters when temperatures lower, causing damage. Regular cleaning can help prevent this from happening, but another common winter danger is blocked or cracked gutter.

"Blocked gutters can cause water saving under shingles or coating panels, causing expensive water damage," notes Ford. "Broken drains can also lead to floods and leaks, so it is essential to ensure that they are verified and repaired regularly."

But sometimes the repair does not cut it. "Signs of wear like holes, cracks and rust should not be overlooked. You can repair it if there are only a few, but consider replacing your gutter if there are any too much, "adds Stephen Keighery , CEO and founder of Louisiana house buyer . "Another reason to replace your gutter is when the nails and screws are missing, leaving your gutter not fixed to the roof. A gutter without attachment can be a physical danger for the occupants of the house."

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Not inspired your fireplace.

log in wood burning fireplace
Shutterstock / Jackson Photograph Banks

It is important that your fireplace is inspected and cleaned regularly to avoid fires. Not checking the basic duct is another avoidable error.

"An accumulation of soot or humidity inside a chimney can make it collapse (or worse), potentially damaging the structure of the roof of your home and other characteristics along the way," explains Hagens . "So be sure to check the pipes at least once a month during the winter months."

Not insulating exterior walls.

insulation home upgrades with best return

Without appropriate insulation, freezing temperatures can affect the structure of your home. Hagens warns that if the exterior walls are poorly insulated, icy temperatures can "cause metal framing members inside your home to develop and contract, leading to deformation or even to the collapse of external walls ". To avoid this, “seal the cracks around the windows of the window with caulking or silicone seal; Apply two layers if necessary, ”advises Hagens. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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Leaving electrical wires on display.

man fixing bathroom wiring
Shutterstock / Phovoir

When temperatures fall below frost, water can wreak havoc in several ways. "The moisture of the soil can be condensed on the power lines and eliminate electricity halfway," explains Hagens.

First of all, make sure that all the electric wires outside the house are actually intended for outdoor use. If you fear that an electric cable or line is not safe, contact the corresponding public service company.

Do not check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

smoke alarm on a wood ceiling

Smoke detectors must be checked monthly to ensure that they work properly. This is particularly important in winter when the fires are more common.

Also check carbon monoxide detectors Tim Wells , DIY expert and founder of Transformed garage . "This will protect you from the harmful effects of carbon monoxide, such as damage caused by lung, poisoning or even death. In addition, carbon monoxide alarms can help you alert you when there can be a Problem with the ventilation system so that you can take measures to correct it before you start heating your home. "

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Forget the garage.

Car parked in a garage

Your garage can be an excellent storage space outside the house, but it is important to prepare it for winter time with your home to avoid damaging your car or the items you store there.

According Stefan Kleinekort , mechanic and founder / CEO of Driver advisor “One of the best ways to protect your garage during the winter is to seal it. Which could cause structural damage. You can also invest in an inner thermometer to be aware of the temperature inside your garage. ""

Keep Woodpiles too close to the house.

A woodpile on palates behind a house

The convenience factor leads people to stack the firewood in a pile of wood Near the front or rear door. But this can create a comfortable house for insects, snakes and rodents who will then find their way in your home.

"The pests are looking for dark and warm places to crawl during the winter. And your heap of wood is perfect for them," said Eyal Pasternak , Reshaped at home based in Miami and owner of Liberty House buying group . "You don't want these parasites to slip into your house afterwards. So stack the firewood from your home; it should be stacked above the floor."

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Tags: Home / News / winter
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