Do this in minutes a day can reduce your cholesterol

No need required.

Learn that you have raisedcholesterol Can be scary and overwhelming, especially if you do not know exactly what it means or how to fight it yourself. There are specific lifestyle and regime changes that you can now start to reduce your cholesterol levels. But first, it is important to better understand what high cholesterol means.Read more information and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.

How to build a good cholesterol

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in your blood. It is useful to build healthy cells, but too much can cause fat deposits in your blood. According toMAYO ClinicHigh cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease, heart attack or cerebral vascular accident. There are no high cholesterol symptoms and no way of knowing that you have it except through a blood test.

There are many ways to reduce your low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (LDL), also commonly called "bad" cholesterol.One of the best ways to combat high cholesterol is starting to engage in a aerobic activity for 15 minutes every day. If you are not already active, you can start with:

  • Walking.
  • To swim.
  • Ride a bike.
  • Jogging.

If you have gym equipment or gym equipment at home, you can also jump on low speed or light resistance for 15 minutes.

It is important to remain consistent to see the results. Triglycerides are present in the cholesterol profile and are used for energy. When doing exercise, triglycerides are burned and your levels are lowered. According toCleveland ClinicWith regular cardiovascular exercise, your triglyceride levels can decrease on average by 24%. Exercise and healthy diet have also been proven to increase your high density lipoproteins (HDL) or your "good" cholesterol.

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Stick to this exercise plan

If you are not currently active and you have a diet that leaves a lot to be desired, you can harvest the greatest benefit of your new exercise habit.Dr. Roger Blumenthal, MD From Johns Hopkins University State: "We found that people who benefit the most are those who had the worst diet and exercise habits to start. Some of these people reduce their LDL of 10 to 15% and increase their HDL by 20%. "

Once you have engaged in your daily exercise routine of 15 minutes, you increase a notch. Walk a little faster, add another mile to your bike ride or turn on the button on your exercise machine. Increase the intensity of your exercise or the time you spend on this allows more dramatic results.

This technique works better when coupled to a healthy lifestyle and a power supply filled with fruits and vegetables. It is also important to track your doctor's advice and instructions for your personal health. Go for a walk and fight against your high cholesterol level!And to cross the healthiest life, do not miss theseFirst signs you have a serious illness.

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