6 facts about Lucas Souza

What do you know about Lucas Souza, Jojo Todynho's ex-husband? See here 6 facts about him.

What do you know about Lucas Souza, Jojo Todynho's ex-husband? In this text, discover some facts compiled from different sources about the military and digital influencer.

1. is an army officer

It is not known much about the life of Lucas Souza, but something already disclosed by himself is that he holds the position of Brazilian Army officer. The military joined the Armed Forces in January 2021, in his hometown, Curitiba. As far as you know, Lucas is also a civil engineering student.

2. It spent almost 10 months married to Jojo Todynho

Lucas Souza met Jojo Todynho in Tulum, Mexico, in August 2021, according to a report by the singer. She said she noticed the military first, but decided not to say anything to think he was not Brazilian. However, he soon approached and asked for a picture because he accompanied the funkeira in "The Farm."

On January 29, the couple officialized the relationship at a wedding ceremony in Rio de Janeiro. They had dated five months and had announced the wedding in December. At the event were celebrities such as David Brazil, Fabiana Karla, Raissa Barbosa, Tati Zato, Mariano and Jakelyne Oliveira. The relationship lasted about 10 months, until they separated.

He announced on social networks: “Not only of love is a relationship constituted. Respect, [A] loyalty and gratitude are essential! In respect to people who have a care for the couple, and with a lot of heart pain, going through the hardest phase of my life (…), I communicate that Jordana and I are no longer married. ”

3. He tattooed Jojo's name in his chest

Shortly after the marriage, the boy tattooed Jojo Todynho's baptism name in his body: "Jordana Gleise." The tribute was made in February and, at the time, he surprised a romantic dinner on the eve of the artist's birthday.

4. commented that the exhibition wear out the wedding

At the beginning of the relationship, Lucas did not appear much on social networks, and kept his private networks. Even before releasing the relationship, someone leaked a picture of Jojo with Lucas, the subject on which the funkeira commented: “Someone I trusted - and it is impossible to find out who was - caught it and sent it to the gossip sites, who post The photo without knowing if the person wants them to publish. If I did not post on my Instagram or public Facebook, it is because I did not want to talk. Unfortunately we live with people and have to deal with bad crackers. ”

Some time later, Lucas complained about the internet exhibition, fighting with Jojo that she didn't care about her discontent on the subject. A few days after this fight, Jojo commented on his podcast that was Lucas's first wife, which may have made him even more embarrassed. So he said he posted on the breakup on Instagram after warning her several times and she does not accept.

5. was accused of using the funkeira for fame

At the beginning of the relationship between Lucas and Jojo, the fans criticized the boy stating that he would be using the funkeira for fame. At the time, Jojo commented: “Lucas doesn't need media. If he needed it, his Instagram would be opened. He is official, so obviously he doesn't need my money and cookie. By the way, I never gave man money. ”

Even so, he gained many followers and even after the end of the relationship continues with active social networks. According to the Extra newspaper, the military's salary is about $ 10,800 per month, but his bank account has been growing, as he has been earning the exhibition and plunged headlong into the artistic world. In any case, people continue to attack him, pointing out the inconsistency of when he said the exhibition was what spoiled the marriage to Jojo.

6. went to the Cup in Qatar

Currently, Lucas Souza is at Qatar enjoying the World Cup with friends. He shared part of the trip on social networks, stating that he loves football and wants to watch the Brazilian team play.

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