Your iPhone could call 911 in error thanks to new feature, report users

We do not know if the last update will be able to solve the problem.

Now, evenrelatively old iPhones can do impressive things. But the release of a new model each year generally tackles a few new features and capacities that make them even more useful. Many of the latest additional modules make our lives easier, such as transforming your device into a way to pay the grocery store and other items with a simple checkout tap. Others have focused on safety, including backing up your device with facial analyzes and maintenance of your personal information out of the hands of other people. But now users indicate that their iPhones call 911 by mistake due to new feature. Read the rest to see how your device could accidentally seek help without there being an accident.

Read this then:Never charge your Android phone in this way, say the experts.

The latest iPhone has new impressive security features that could save your life.

A young woman using her iPhone while outdoors on a hike
Istock / Freshness

With all your smartphone, it can be easy to forget that it is apowerful safety device at its most basic level. Whether it's calling for road assistance after blowing a tire or obtaining an ambulance in the event of a medical emergency, the device in your pocket is one of the fastest ways to send a call to the 'assistance. And now, thanks to technology progress, the latest iPhone models still facilitate the assistance you need with two new features, either where you are or if you can even reach your device.

One of these main additional security modules isEmergency sos via satellite. On November 15, Apple announced that it had activated the last feature, which will allow users to release a distress call in distant areas even if they are outside the network coverage areas thanks to a satellite connection. Anyone with a model from the iPhone 14 range running iOS 16.1 or more can send information to a call center, including what has been wrong and location coordinates.

The second major upgrade is the new one in the iPhone 14Collision detection technology. The new feature uses integrated sensors and software to detect when someone has beenA driving accident Or a sudden fall and will automatically call 911 if they do not answer or cannot reach their phone. Until now, the additional module has proven to be effective to alertEmergency intervention teams major accidents and allowing them to respond more quickly. But like any new technology, there are still a few folds that Apple trains.

IPhone users point out that their devices call 911 in certain situations.

This is an emergency scene including both a fire engine and an ambulance.

We have all accidentally put a pocket number at some point in our lives. But thanks to the new Apple technology, iPhone users have reported that their devices call 911 in error in certain situations that are not emergencies, includingroller coaster walks.

Last month, thrill seekers at Kings Island amusement Park near Cincinnati, Ohio, noticed that the same drops and the same pin turns that made their journey so fun also triggered theLast security update On their iPhone to call 911,Wall Street's journal reports. According to the Warren County Communications Center, the functionality has generated six emergency calls since the release of the last model in late September, October 9.

And it is not only limited to a park: false alarms were also sent from six flags Great America near Chicago. In an incident, guest of the parkMarcus Nguyen said he was climbing the park's joker mountains when he heard the alarm of the functionality extinguish just at the end of the driving, warning that it was only 10 seconds before the iPhone automatic from 911. Access it. Finally, I was able to get there before the countdown finished, "he saidWall Street's journal.

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Other activities trigger new safety feature.

Skiing in the sun

Of course, the roller coaster is not the only non -urgent situation where people may find themselves changing quickly speed and steering. Users also say that the new crash detection software can also encourage the iPhone to call 911 when someone appreciatesA day on the slopes, Local reports based at UTAH.

"They don't answer you when you start talking for the first time because I don't even think they knew they did it, but during the recall ... they are generally like:" Oh, I am sorry, I was skiing. Everything is fine, "" Supervisor from the County Distribution Center of SummitSuzie Butterfield said She added that she now receives about three to five calls per day thanks to new technology, and that a real emergency has generated none.

A Reddit user has also warned other skiers fromfalse alarms After having encountered their own problem. “I had my phone in my pocket and I was sailing on Tinkerbell at a completely moderate pace by doing short-Radius activities on my second round of the year. To give you an idea of ​​the moderate, I had just passed a slow sign with three security patrol by this, and none of them even raised a eyebrow! ""

"I stopped to wait for my wife, and my phone immediately started to shout:" Have you been in an accident? We will call emergency services in 20 seconds! Woo! Woo! "I put it off as quickly as possible, then I immediately put out all the emergency notification functions," they wrote.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

There are ways to prevent your iPhone from accidentally calling 911.


Although accidental calls for help can prove that potentially vital technology works, it also poses a potentially serious problem. "We are very vigilant on calls. No calls are not verified", "Melissa Bour, the director of emergency services of the county of Warren, saidWall Street's journal. "You get used to calls that are not an emergency, but it is wear on the distributors."

Fortunately, the company can already be aware of the problem. The latest iOS software updatesolves some problems With the new feature, even if Apple does not specify if it is in response to the problem of false alarms, reports Techcrunch.

Even if it may seem that the first line of driving would be to deactivate the latest iPhone feature, the distributors say that the alternative scenario is worse than an error call 911. "Someone could ski and hit a tree and be Helcomed and not be visible by other skiers, "Butterfield told "We don't want you to turn off the functionality. We prefer you to be safe. It doesn't bother taking this call because if something was really going on, we want to be able to achieve you."

It is also relatively easy to temporarily deactivate the functionality. For example, in Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, in Tennessee, it is reminded to the guests to leave theirPhones in plane mode Or turn off them while on Thrill walks, wrote in a tweet on September 28.

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