The verification of your credit scoring could predict a diagnosis of Alzheimer

A change in your credit scoring could be an early alert sign of dementia.

Whenever there is aNew potential treatment For Alzheimer's disease (AD), or an advance in understanding what causes dementia, the news makes headlines. Indeed, there is currently no cure for diseases such as the MA - and the number of Americans living with dementia increases at alarming rates. "More ... thanSix million Americans Of all ages have Alzheimer's disease, "reports the Alzheimer's association, which notes:" By 2050, the number of people aged 65 and over with Alzheimer's can reach 12.7 million, except the development of Medical breakthroughs to prevent, slow down or cure Alzheimer's disease from 12.7 million. "

Manufacturingpreventive lifestyle choice is a way of approaching this devastating disease. But if you develop dementia, early diagnosis "can improve the quality of care and quality of life and can reduce the financial and emotional impact of the disease," notes the Alzheimer's association.

WhereasSome advertising warning symptoms are well known, the others can be more subtle. Read the rest to discover the important index that your credit scoring can give you.

Read this then:If you don't remember these 4 things, it could be a sign of early Alzheimer.

"Alzheimer's disease is a real public health crisis."

Doctor and radiologist discuss brain scans.
Gorodekoff / Istock

The National Institute of Aging (NIA) describes AD as "a brain disorder This slowly destroys the memory and the skills of reflection, and, ultimately, the ability to perform the simplest tasks. ""

The effects of the diseaseon the brain are deeply complicated and always explored by scientists, says NIA. "Changes in the brain can start a decade or more before the appearance of symptoms," said the site. "During this very early stage of the MA, toxic changes take place in the brain, including abnormal accumulations of protein that form amyloid plates and tau tangles [and] previously healthy neurons stop working, lose links with other neurons and die. " NIA notes that other changes can also occur in the brain.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Katie Macklin, Principal director of the public policy of the Alzheimer's association in Delaware, wrote in an article published by theDelaware Journal of Public Health that "more and more people are starting to recognize that Alzheimer's disease is a realpublic health crisis. ""

The early diagnosis of the MA is important.

Physician holding a model of a brain.
Shidlovski / Istock

The Mayo clinic explains that the announcement begins and progresses well before the start of the personTo show symptoms. "This step is called preclinical Alzheimer's disease, and it is generally only identified in research environments," explains the site, which notes that this stepcan last for many yearsand potentially decades.

"Although you will not notice any change, new imaging technologies can now identify the deposits of a protein called amyloid-bêta which is a characteristic of Alzheimer's disease," said the Mayo clinic. "The ability to identify these early deposits can be particularly important for clinical trials and in the future asNew treatments are developed For Alzheimer's disease. ""

Early detection of MA and other forms of dementia is critical. AmongOther benefits, a diagnosis allows people to access drug and non -drug therapies that could help improve their symptoms, explains Alzheimer's Disease International.

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The symptoms of dementia vary from person to person.

Man in deep thoughts holds glasses, looks out window.
Fizkes / Istock

Knowing the warning signs of dementia can help people locate the condition early, but some symptoms are less known than others.

Memory loss, for example, is a recognized potential signal of cognitive decline. According to the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),Other current symptoms Dementia includes confusion over time and place, the problems of evil putting things and forgetting where they are, and "the difficulty in performing familiar tasks at home, at work or at leisure". Mood and personality changes can also be a sign of announcement, says the CDC, while withdrawing social activities and engaging with other people.

The CDC notes that "challenges in planning or problem solving" can be a sign of cognitive decline. Because this can affect the way you manage your money, it canmanifest as a change In your financial situation, or a clearly different credit rating.

This warning panel can be easy to miss.

Woman doing finances at home.
Bojan89 / Istock

Money management problems can be a sign of ad or other forms of dementia. "It is not at all rare that we hear that one of the first signs whose families become aware is arounda person's financial transactions, "Beth Kallmyer, the vice-president of care and support for the Alzheimer's association saidThe New York Times.

"Well before receiving a diagnosis of dementia, many people start to lose their ability to manage their finances and make solid decisions such as their memory, their organizational skills and their self -control, according to studies," reports the Time . "While people are late on their invoices or make reckless purchases and investments, banking balances and credit ratings can take a hit." That's why changes In your finances , or a suddenly different credit store, can point out the start of the cognitive decline and must be brought to the attention of your medical supplier.

Categories: Health
Tags: / News / Symptoms / Your Brain
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