More than 60% of Parkinson patients say they have dry eyes - this is why it's a awakening
A new study highlights a subtle symptom of devastating disease.

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive disorder, and progression can be slow - someSigns may appear Until twenty years before a diagnosis was made. "Although the exact prevalence of Parkinson's disease (PD) in the United States is difficult to determine with precision, an estimate puts the number of American patients currently diagnosed over 645,000"American Journal of Managed Care (AJMC) explains the article, noting that "the figure climbs around 849,000" if estimated unsocial cases are included.
PD is the second pluscommon neurodegenerative disease After Alzheimer's disease, and in the same way as Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia, there is currently no remedy. Catching the illness early is a crucial component of the treatment and management of the condition, but some signscan be subtle And easy to miss. A large number of Parkinson patients - more than 60% - the experience of a particular symptom. Read the rest to know why having dry eyes could point out something more serious.
Read this then:If you cannot feel these 3 foods, check for Parkinson, say the experts.
Parkinson's disease affects motor and non -motor functions.

"Certain nerve cells (neurons) in the brain graduallyDecompose or die, "The Mayo Clinic explains by Parkinson." Many symptoms are due to a loss of neurons that produce a chemical messenger in your brain called dopamine. "When dopamine levels decrease," it causes atypical brain activity, leading to movement alteration and other symptoms of Parkinson's disease. ""
MP can have serious effects on peoplesMotor and non -motor skills, explains Johns Hopkins Medicine. "If it is true that the symptoms of Parkinson's disease include tremors and tremors, rigid muscles, slowness of movement and frozen or" flat "expression, it is much more than that," explains the site , noting that other symptoms include "cognitive disability or dementia (generally at subsequent stages), anxiety and depression, fatigue, sleep problems and more."
Johns Hopkins Medicine notes that although the PD is not fatal, potentially fatal problems can manifest itself. "As the disease progresses, you can becomemore vulnerable to falls, which can be dangerous, "said the site." Infection is another problem. In the later stages of Parkinson, people often miss these signals and do not notice that something happens before it is too late. ""
Parkinson's disease has various risk factors.

The exact cause of the MP is not known. According to the National Institute of Aging (NIA), some cases of PD seem to be hereditary, while otherscan be traced to specific genetic mutations. But "although genetics plays a role in the Parkinson, in most cases, the disease does not seem to play in families," said NIA. "Many researchers now believe that Parkinson's results of a combination of genetic and environmental factors, such asExhibition to toxins. ""
Another risk factor for PD. "Young adults rarely experience Parkinson's disease," explains the Mayo clinic, noting that MP generally occurs in the life of the environment at the end, the risk increasing as an aging person. "Men are more likely to develop Parkinson's disease than women," said the site. And "aNumber of drugs Can cause parkinsonism [symptoms of PD] because they block the dopamine receiver, "reports the American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA).
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Parkinson's has many different early symptoms.

Because the MP causes motor and non -motor symptoms, the signs can be extremely varied. The PD requires that you have the symptom known as Bradykinesia (slowed movements). "People who have this describe itmuscular weakness, but this happens because of the problems of muscle control, and there is no real loss of force, "explains the Foundation Michael J. Fox (MJFF), which notes that other possible symptoms may include the rigidity or stiffness,Unstable posture or approachAnd a tremor while the muscles rest. "It is a rhythmic tremor of the muscles even when you do not use them and occurs in around 80% of cases of Parkinson's disease."AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
These are the best known symptoms of PD. "Some of the less recognized - even among doctors - involve the eyes and the visual system," said MJFF. "People with PD flas up less frequently, which can cause drought, irritation or eye burn."
Dry eyes are a commonly reported symptom of the PD.

Vision changes can be caused by a number of factors. Reasons behinddry eyes or blurred vision May include "hormonal changes, autoimmune diseases, inflamed eyelid glands or allergic eye diseases," said Mayo Clinic. Other times, your eyes send a warning signal to a more serious condition. Vision changes can be a symptomeye cancer,,early early dementia, or PD, among other conditions.
"The dry ocular (DED), which occurs when the eyes are not sufficiently moistened by tears, can lead toChronic dry which cause discomfort and loss of vision of risks, considerably disturbing daily life, "reports Parkinsons News today, noting thatA recent study have found that the estimated DED occurrence in Parkinson patients is between 53% and 60%.
"Some people with the Parkinson report that theirVision loses sharpness As their disease progresses, "advises the Parkinson Foundation". "The difficulties linked to the eyes and vision often progress alongside other symptoms of MP".
Dry eyes can occur due to a decrease in flashes, which can alsotrain a blurred vision. Other changes in the view include double vision, trouble with reading and the ruble voluntarily opening the eyes, known as apraxia, explains the Parkinson Foundation.
If you feel dry eyes, check with your health care provider to find out if you need to be detected for PD.

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