This factor can predict your future weight gain, a new study discovers
The data of 11,000 children revealed that cerebral inflammation can predict future obesity.

A new study of obesity predictors in children found that poor nutrition and weight gain are closely linked to a vicious cycle, where the more unhealthy foods consumed are more serious than the cravings are important for food yet more unhealthy. And all this can be read from an MRI scan of your brain. (In touch:21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.)
TheYale-directed study, Published in the National Academy of Sciences procedure, had examined the well-known long-time link between inflammation and obesity. The researchers analyzed a set of data collected by more than 11,000 children, using a highly specialized cerebral imaging technique for analyzing cell density in a brain region that is involved in reward motivation and eating behavior. What they have discovered is that the greatest concentration of these cells, which is understood to represent inflammation in the brain, the greatest circumference of the size of the child.
And not only the cell density has been the cellular density aka neuenflammation correlated with the circumference of the size, which is an indicator of obesity, but it could also predict the future gain of the child. "An even more impressive discovery was that the cell density of this region has predicted an increase in the circumference of the size and body mass index later," said Kristina Rapuano, a member of postdoctoral psychology in Yale and author of a first author of the study.
This means that obesity can cause an inflammatory response into the brain, which in turn causes more too much to eat and even worse eating habits. And while this study was conducted on children,The obesity of childhood has been demonstrated as a strong predictor of obesity later in life.
According to BJ Casey, one of the co-authors of the study, the rates of childhood obesity around the world have quadrupled over the past 40 years and these conclusions can bring us closer to understanding and preventing it. "This study is a step aimed at better understanding neurobiological mechanisms underlying the child's weight gain, which will essentially be important to inform early intervention strategies and obesity prevention," said Casey.
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