If this happens while you drive, "call 911" as soon as possible, the police said in a new warning
The authorities report that this crime increases throughout the country.

For most of us, driving is a daily necessity, but it is not exactly the safest activity. Ofcar accidents At the chess of vehicles, there is an apparently endless risk of risks on the road. Unfortunately, there is a danger that you may not know that the authorities now ask you to consider. The police have issued a new warning concerning increasing crime targeting drivers - and they advise you to call 911 as soon as possible if you are in this precarious situation. Read the rest to discover what you should watch by driving.
Read this then:If this happens in a parking lot, do not leave your car, warns the police.
Police often warns against dangers.

Due to the number of risks on the road, the authorities regularly alert drivers with the problems that afflict them.
In June, the Illinois policeexpressed an alert About an increase in motorway fire inspired by road rabies, warning that attack on the road increases your risk of being involved. Last month, the authorities in Texas warned against more accidents because of "Blinding sunlight"During the fall, advisor to drivers to take another route when possible. And later in October, the police issued alerts on theDanger of driving too fast On wet leaves.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
Now the authorities are back to alert people in the United States to the crimes that take place on the road - and what they should do if they are targeted.
A benchmark of mudguards may not be what it seems.

A recent Fender Bender in Minnesota has authorities alert the public about a program concerning. According to aNovember 10 Facebook Post From the Ramsey County Sheriff's Bureau (RCSO), this incident involved a bumper from a man who was exploited from behind by a mini-dinner while he was waiting to transform into parking in Maplewood, in Minnesota .
It turned out that the tap was not an accident, but part of a scary program.
"He went out to check the situation - and it quickly changed." It is called a "carjacking" bump and run "."
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The authorities say that carjacks work and directed are increasingly common.

It was not a punctual situation, unfortunately. In the Facebook post, the RCSO warned that the bump and racing tactics was a "continuous problem" in other cities before it appears in Minnesota. In August, Jackson police, Mississippi, expressed his own warningThis criminal regime Performing in the state, WLBT reported affiliated with NBC.
"By thinking that he was involved in a winged bending, the victim will come out of his car to assess information on damage and insurance exchange," said Jackson's police department (JPD). "It is at this point that the Carjacker will threaten the victim and steal his car. The Carjacker zoards in your vehicle, his accomplice goes away in hers, and the victim is blocked."
Other alerts have already been sent to places such asAtlanta,,Chicago, andLos Angeles.Mike Martin, the subsalif of regional services for the RCSO, told Kare 11 affiliated to NBC that the authorities had seenAbout a dozen cases carjacks of bump and similar routes in the Twin Cities metro. "We are starting to see an increase in incidents like this," he said. "And that's something that concerns us very."
You should call 911 as soon as possible if it happens to you.

If your vehicle is hit from behind, it is important to be cautious.
"NotGet out of your vehicle"Warned the police department of the city of Atlanta in an article on Facebook.
According to Jackson police, this is particularly important if you have a reason to suspect that it was not a legitimate accident. "If you think the bumper is a car thief, call 911 and stay in your car with the locked doors and wrapped windows until the police arrive," said the JPD.
The RCSO also warned the drivers of "trusting [their] instincts" and going to the police station or a well -lit and well loaded location before leaving the car. If you are approached by criminals, the authorities advise you to do everything that will endanger your personal security.
"There is no car, there is no handbag, wallet, or mobile phone, which is worth risking your life," Martin told Kare 11. "So, if You find yourself in the situation, respect everything they are trying to make you do and call 911 as soon as you can. "