58% of Americans increase their risk of dementia by doing this: are you?

Are not part of the majority.

About 55 million people areLive with dementia Around the world, reports the World Health Organization (WHO). And as the proportion of elderly peoplecontinues to increase in the world, experts provide that world dementia rates will reach 78 million in 2030 and 139 million by 2050.

AdoptionHealthy lifestyle habits Can help protect your cognitive health, but one thing can increase the risk of your dementia, despite your efforts. Read the rest to discover what 58% of Americans do to increase their chances of developing dementia and how you can avoid it.

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What you eat can have a significant impact on brain health.

Balanced Diet of Healthy Foods
Floor image / trigger

You have probably heard that the foods you choose to put on your plate can affect yourheart health And your risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. But the diet also plays a critical factor in our brain health and our cognitive function.

Eating a lot of whole foods rich in vitamins, minerals, fibers and antioxidants can nourish your brain andprotect it from oxidative stress, which is a major engine of chronic inflammation. Inflammation can damage cells and lead toTwo main types of dementia- Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia.

Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE,recorded dietitian and author ofDiabetes at 2 days, recountBetter life, "Eat a well -balanced diet rich in fibers, vegetable fats and antioxidants can help promote brain health. Adding foods and vegetables to diet as well as nuts, seeds, beans, lentils and fatty fish Can provide protection benefits for the brain and organs like the heart. "

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Fifty-eight percent of Americans increase their risk of dementia by doing this.

Woman Spooning Sugar onto Cereal
Speedkingz / Shutterstock

Adding a teaspoon of sugar to your morning coffee or indulge in sweet treat on occasion may seem harmless, but this could mean that you are among the58% of Americans Consuming too much sugar added, increasing your risk of developing dementia.

According to the USDA, most of us go beyond theFood lines for Americans (DGA) recommendation to limit the consumption of sugar added toLess than 10% total daily calories. Alarmingly, people in the United States consume an average of more than 25 teaspoons of sugar, obtaining 20% ​​of their daily calories from sugar.

"Excessive sugar intake added to the diet can cause multiple health problems," said Palinski-Wade. "In addition, large quantities of sugar added in the diet can cause tips in insulin levels, the increase in insulin resistance over time. Insulin resistance in the body is linked to a drop in cognitive function and an increased risk of dementia. "

Sugar drinks can increase the risk of dementia.

Sugary Coffee Drink
Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

Sodas, energy drinks, iced teas, fancy slats - these popular drinks can be fun to consume, but this pleasure has a price.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

A study in 2021 published inThe Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease found that higher consumption of sugary drinks was associated with aincreased risk of any dementia, Alzheimer's disease and stroke. The researchers recruited more than 1,800 participants and determined that those who drank one to seven portions per week of drinks with added sugar had a considerably higher risk of dementia than those who drank sugar -free drinks. The risk was even higher for those who consumed more than seven portions of sugary drinks per week.

"The excess of calories from sugar added in drinks can cause gains in fat, in particular visceral fat (belly fat). While this fat accumulates, the body becomes more resistant to insulin" , explains Palinski-Wade. "Eat large amounts of sugar added both can cause blood sugar and insulin peaks, which, over time, can increase insulin resistance in body cells, and finally increase the risk of dementia. "

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Keep your added sugar intake by avoiding these foods.

Plate of Pastries
Natalia Van Doninck / Shutterstock

The worst culprits for added sugars are processed foods such as candies, soda, pastries and desserts. However, added sugar is also hidden in condiments, dressings, cereals, soups and meats for lunch. Your best bet to protect your brain health andLower your risk of dementia is to eliminate these foods from your diet. Instead, eat an abundance of whole plants based on plants, including fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

Keeping your sugar intake added in an acceptable range is essential for cognitive health. "The objective of added sugar is to maintain it at less than 10% of your total daily calories," explains Palinski-Wade. "Eating more whole foods and fewer processed foods, you can start reducing added sugars. Read food labels and be looking for added sugar sources," she advises.

Categories: Health
By: mfreidson
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