The smile of celebrities, too perfect to be true

Smagliant smiles of the stars: nothing natural!

If someone asked you what is the first aesthetic intervention to which you would undergo to improve your physical appearance, probably the most popular answers would be a retouching to the nose, buttocks, cheekbones or breasts. Some small intervention to remove wrinkles. Instead, in the aesthetic emergencies of the celebrities there are other priorities and the most requested intervention is another: the aesthetic improvement of the teeth. For the series "You are not ugly, but only poor", today we talk about the stars who have completely revolutionized their smile after reaching success. And the difference is definitely remarkable! Below we offer you a series of before and after they will encourage you on your small imperfections. From small treatments to real surgical interventions, are you ready to see the change of some of the most famous smiling stars in recent years?

Cristiano Ronaldo

Let's start immediately with a case that cannot go unnoticed. Who doesn't know Cristiano Ronaldo? Famous all over the world for its football talent, very rich, almost one meter and ninety tall and with a beautiful family -proof family. The transformation of his smile was really radical! When he started playing in the Serie A teams his teeth were not among the most enviable, but very little time later they turned into a regular, uniform and white smile!

Catherine Zeta Jones

Unlike Cristiano Ronaldo, for Cathrine Zeta Jones there are no particularly invasive interventions. It was probably a whitening made in a workmanlike manner because she made her much brighter smile and face appear. One more touch to appear even more beautiful than it is already.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise is one of Hollywood's best known faces. Envable features, deep gaze, hair to envy Derek Shepherd and hypnotizing smile. But without a considerable intervention to the teeth probably would not have been the same for him. There are not many who remember him with the irregular smile he had when he appeared on the screen, but on the net there is still some photos to testify to his drastic change.

Kirsten Dunst

Kirsten Dunst's teeth before the intervention were not among the most beautiful. They were not crooked like those of Tom Cruise, but they were small and tending to the yellow. After the intervention, however, they became perfectly aligned and an almost blinding white.

David and Victoria Beckham

He beautiful, talented, rich and envied by men from all over the world. She is beautiful, rich, with a remarkable success in business and desired by men from all over the world. In addition to sharing home, family and popularity, however, the Beckham spouses also share the experience of cosmetic surgery for a more beautiful, bright and captivating smile. Do you remember Victoria Adams when he was still part of the Spice Girl? His teeth were not white and aligned as today. And the same goes for her husband. Too bad that today it has become so rare to see them smile!

Ben Affleck

Jlo's husband is one of the best known and appreciated faces of international cinema. High, beautiful, famous and ... with red teeth. An intervention probably necessary given that before he had irregular teeth, small and spaced, who distracted the observer from all (deserving) remain. Today he has a smile that does justice to his face and that makes him one of Hollywood's most virile and liked men.

George Clooney

Tell the truth, your proper name did not expect it in this article! Yet George Clooney also resorted to some intervention to improve his smile. Not that his teeth were a disaster, but he certainly managed to improve them. Today it has a more uniform smile, more regular and decidedly brighter. An added value for its natural charm.

Nicolas Cage

For Nicolas Cage, an improved intervention to the teeth was really necessary. He added the missing teeth, straightened the others and made them all more white. An intervention that really made the difference, perhaps also for his career.

Miley Cyrus

And if you think that this type of intervention is something that concerns only the most AGè celebrities, you really make mistakes. Miley Cyrus, with a beautiful voice and scandals always at hand, also had to resort to surgery to have a nice smile. If you concern any episode ofHannah Montana , you will seem to have a completely different person in front of Miley. And not only for hair and inhibition, but also for the radically different smile!

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