If you bought this instead of a mask, you might have problems

This product is a scam and does not replace the need for a mask.

There has been a handful of popular mask substitutions throughout the pandemic, heck gaiters at Bandanas to deal with shields, but theworst alternative At a mask is not really a face that covers at all. The experts now warn that if you are carrying a "mask exemption" card or you are looking to get your hands on one, you may have problems. Not only will refuse to wear a mask at greater risk of COVID, but these cards are a scam that could submit creators to a federal investigation. Continue reading to find out why you should avoid these fraudulent cards and to avoid more mask options,This type of facial mask is "unacceptable", warns the Mayo Clinic.

People are rushed in the purchase of false cards "exemption of masks".

Man holding mask not wearing a mask

A scam earlier in the pandemic seems to be returned again. On January 31, the Emergency Management Division of the South Carolina (SCALD) warned their followers of Twitter so as not to "pay someone for a" mask exemption "card or another"Fake. There is no such thing. Per NBC Affiliate Wyff, the map claims that wearing a mask poses a mental and / or physical risk for cardholders.

The map cites the law on Americans with disabilities (ADA), but it does not bear any weight under the American law. In a statement, US ProsecutorRobert Higdon Jr.says, "The public should be aware thatThese cards are false And remains assured that we will study those who create or colport these fraudulent cards to the public without a mistrust. "

"People lose moneyThey are also invited to leave businesses in some cases, and people must be aware of what is happening, "SCEMD'sBrandon Lavorgna Wyff said. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

The scam of the "mask exemption" card started during the summer.

Woman taking a card out of her wallet

This is not the first time this scam has drawn attention. Lavorgna noted that he appeared for the first time during the summer. It's "an old scam that is recycled, and that's how scams tend to work," he said. In June 2020, the Department of Justice issued a statement that ADA, which the Card Cites: "does not provideCoverage exemption People with disabilities to comply with the legitimate safety requirements necessary for safe operations. "

The Ministry of Justice pointed out that "maps and other documents bearing the seal of the Ministry of Justice and stating that individuals are exempt from facial mask requirements are fraudulent". And for more mask news,If you have this mask, get a new one now, let's say experts.

You should be looking for these fraudulent cards.

Card in a wallet

Wyff tells anyone who sees "mask exemption" cards to report them to the law. A Boston NBC affiliate also warned business owners not to fall for the scam. "The cards are reallyflourish, "Kathy Pips With the US New England Disabled law, told NBC. "I think people really abuse the Americans with disabilities act by claiming to have a disability." And for more mask guidance more essential,If you wear your mask like this, you do not receive "maximum protection".

There are only four groups of people who should not wear masks.

Woman wearing a mask baby with no mask

The disease control and prevention centers (CDC) describes the only four groups of people whoshould not wear mask. According to the CDC, children under two years old; anyone who has significant breathable problems; Anyone who is unconscious, incapable, or unable to delete an unattended mask; And those who have sensory, cognitive or behavioral problems that can result in feeling in distress when wearing face blanket should not wear mask. And for more mask instructions,The CDC warns against the use of these 6 face masks.

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