United Airlines will not let you do this on flights before May 2023

You may be able to work on the new policy to your advantage.

United Airlines is known for its catchy slogan, "Fly the Friendly Skies" and as one of the largest American airlines, travelers expect the companystick to his word. United offers advantages to travelers, including a free hand -coveted baggage bag on most flights and a fairly complete, mileageplus loyalty program. But the airline recently announced that it no longer allowed passengers to do something specific, the policy already triggered last week. Read the rest to discover what United Airlines prohibited flights until May 2023.

Read this then:Delta CEO says you will never see "these flights.

The FAA brought some changes a few years ago.

united airlines check in area
Arina P Habich / Shutterstock

In 2019, the publication of the Federal Adviation Administration (FAA) of the United States Ministry of Transport (FAA)Updated advice On the control of weight and balance for planes. In the past, the total weight of the plane has been calculated using average weights for the cabin, luggage, passengers, fuel, etc., but these figures had to be updated and increased. According to Snopes, the FAA consideredIncreased obesity rate, which increased the risk of divergences between existing average weights and the real weight of passengers.

Although it is essential to ensure that planes have a safe weight when flying, in 2021, FAA policies were reactors when it was reported that US airlines could start to weigh the passengers. The reports were true, by SNOPES, and the FAA directives indicate that the airlines can weigh each passenger or ask them for their weight before boarding. The directives even indicate that operators should estimate the weight of a passenger and "add 10 pounds" if the number provided by the passenger "is underestimated".

The FAA notes that airlines can choose to carry out a random study of the weight of passengers at various airports to determine the average weights, but even so, the policy was somewhat controversial. Addressing this, United Airlines adopts a different approach to take into account the additional weight.

Some seats will not be available for travelers.

seats on airplane
Aureliy / Shutterstock

In what seems to be a return to social distancing, travelers will now see seated selected blocked on the united planes. This is not done to stop the spread of COVID-19, however, it is rather to join the FAA advice, confirmed a spokesperson for the airline.

"To comply with the FAA weight calculations that all airlines must carry out, United withdraws from the use of three to six seats on its Boeing 757 in winter months," said the spokespersonBetter life.

According to additional information provided toFrequent leaflet blog Live and Let's Fly, specific seats were blocked on November 1 and will remain out of use until April 30, 2023. United Airlines also removed the user seats during the same period last year to comply The regulations said the spokesperson.

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There are different average weights depending on the time of year.

bathroom scale
RAWF8 / Shutterstock

Although the weight of passengers can fluctuate with changing seasons, this is not the only reason for higher averages during the coldest months. By flight live and by flying, the increase in winter weights is attributed to larger and heavier winter clothing, as well as heavier tiles, which are not weighed in the United States according to the FAA, The average weights of the clothes are five pounds in summer and 10 pounds in winter.

The "winter weights" are used by airlines from November 1 to April 30, according to the FAA, which is why United makes adjustments for this period. In 2019, medium winter weights increased from 150 to 184 pounds for passengers and from 190 to 205 points for male passengers, per live and volons.

Between May 1 and October 31, "summer weights" are used, which has also increased. For female passengers, the average summer weight went from 145 to 179 points, and for male passengers, it went from 185 to 200 pounds.

You will potentially have an empty seat next to you.

man on plane with empty seat next to him
Mila Supinskaya Glashchenko / Shutterstock

PER LIVE AND LET's FLY, blocked seats will be in the middle, and travelers will see a panel that is read.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Although you sometimes consider it, your lucky day when there is no one in the seat next to you, you can really make sure that when you fly with United, Live and Let’s Fly Reports. If you want to have an additional place to spread out, check certain seats on the seats map when booking.

There are two versions of Boeing 757-224 aircraft; The first, 75, will have 24b, 27th, 30b, 24th, 37b and 40b seats. On the second version, 75b, blocked seats include 29b, 32nd and 36b. For planes 757-324 (75th), headquarters 16b, 19th, 27b, 30th, 36b and 29th will not be used, according to The Live and Let's Fy.

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