7 qualities that your perfect partner should have

Finding our ideal partner is not just a matter of chemistry. These clues will help you choose a really compatible person with you.

Did you know that apart from physical attraction and an apparent compatibility of characters there are many other things that you should look for in your ideal partner? Many times we let ourselves be carried only by these two aspects and we would launch into a serious relationship without considering other things that are equally important (if not more). It is then that we face disappointments and painful ruptures. In this article we present seven qualities that your partner should have, according to relationship experts, so that you consider it “perfect”, and that we rarely take into account.

1. Respect

If your partner respects your limits, you will have started on the right track. We refer to recognizing and accepting your emotional, physical and sexual limits, so it will never manipulate you or force you to do something you do not want or make you feel any discomfort or demand to change some of you without reason. Your ideal partner supports you, is sensitive to your desires and feelings and understands that they are equally valid as yours. For example, you may not share the same religious beliefs, but you will respect them. You will also understand if there is something you don't want to do in bed, and it won't make you feel bad about it. This is a quality that the two people in the couple must have for the relationship to succeed.

2. Provision to communicate

This is, simply and plainly, to have the willingness to speak. According to a report of theJournal of Marriage and Family, the level of communication predicts marital satisfaction. That is: the better the couple, the happier they will be. Being able to sit and talk openly about problems helps solve them in a calm and respectful way. In addition, talking is the only way to express their desires and needs, know their goals and dreams and break negative patterns. If your partner prefers to retract or leave before sitting to talk with you, it is a bad sign.

3. Empathy

An empathetic couple is one who can and wants to put yourself in your place, imagine how you feel about something and act accordingly, even if you do not agree or do not share your perception. Empathy is what allows us to understand and accept our differences, and it also gives us the ability to respect and appreciate (remember the previous point?). If your partner has no empathy, something that unfortunately is very common, it will not be easy to deal with compassion and consideration.

4. Compatible sense of humor

The issue of sense of humor is very particular, so we have added the term "compatible." In general, a couple who has a good sense of humor, who can laugh at herself and everyday situations, who can relieve a moment of tension with a cheerful attitude and, in summary, makes you laugh, has many points in his favor. But when we say that this quality is very particular we mean that your sense of humor must be compatible with yours. If you dislike black humor or satires, and that is precisely your fort, the time may come when one of your jokes no longer cheerful, but bothers you. Therefore, it is important that you have a similar vision of what is funny and what is outside the limits.

5. Love you suchWhat are you like

This aspect is closely related to the issue of respect. Your partner must be in love with you, not who believes or wants to be. Certainly, your soulmate can open your eyes and help you improve some aspects of your life or personality. However, this must happen because you want and because you consider that it will be beneficial for you, not because another person demands it to adapt to their own ideals. Your perfect partner will love you as you are, with all your virtues and defects, and will not use criticism, teasing or blackmail to "motivate you" to be your best version. This is a very fine line that is sometimes imperceptible, but here is the trick to see it: if it makes you feel bad, there is not.

6. Emotional maturity

An emotionally mature person is one who has struggled to learn from his past and attend to any emotional problem that could prevent him from being a reliable couple. Someone who acts extremely possessive towards you just because in their previous relationship they were unfaithful or because he grew up seeing his parents having a complicated dynamic cannot be a good couple. You need someone who has broken with those patterns or at least is working to do it. It sounds hard, especially because almost all have complexes or insecurities caused by our past and we know how it feels. However, you cannot pay for the mistakes or bad actions of your ex.

7. Ability to accept coexistence rules

The notion of "rules" has a negative connotation for some people, but the reality is that happy couples (even those that are called liberals) know that it is necessary to establish agreements. The person next to your side has to accept your rules and limits. These are basic norms of coexistence. For example, if you really hate unpunctuality, your partner should try not to look late (unless an unforeseen event occurs, of course). Or if you bother you to turn your eyes and give your back in the middle of a discussion, try not to do it. But remember that this, like all points on this list, is a double -track street.

Categories: Relations
Tags: love / / couple
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