It is the safest internal public space of COVID, a new study

Researchers say that this space often feared is actually safer than a lot of expectation.

Everybody hasCanceled 2020 shots Because of the coronavirus pandemic, whether it is a ceremony of graduation centered, a marriage put on hold, or a family vacation refunded. Many people have canceled trips for fear of catching coronavirus while traveling for hourswith other passengers on a plane- Specific especially because the research has always emphasized theDanger of closed spaces. But it turns out that our concerns about aircraft may have been erroneous. According to new research,The safest indoor public space you can be in the Covid pandemic is an airplane. Read to find out why, and for the regions of the country that go well in the middle of the pandemic,These are the only states where Covid does not defeat.

The October 15, led by the Ministry of Defense in partnership with United Airlines, found that the risk ofCoronavirus Exhibition on aircraft is "virtually non-existent" when masks are worn. Researchers led more than 300 aircraft tests with a model equipped with an aerosol generator that reproducesBreath and cough. In each test, 180 million particles were released into the cabin air, which is similar to the amount that would be produced by thousands of cough.

The researchers found that "the risk of aerosol exposure is minimal, even during long-term flights". For flights 12 hours and under, researchers stated that it was "extremely unlikely" for an infected passenger to transmit particles that may break the breathing area of ​​another passenger whenAll parts continually bringing masks. Even for a passenger sitting right next to you, there is only 0.003 percent chances of infected particles entering your respiratory space.

"99.99% of thoseParticles have left the interior of the aircraft In the six minutes, "United Airlines in Chief CommunicationJosh serious told ABC News. "This indicates that being aboard an aircraft is the safest internal space because of the unique configuration inside an aircraft that includes aggressive ventilation, a lot of airflow."

It is true that the conditions of ventilation onAircraft are not conducive to viral propagation. "TheAir quality on a commercial airliner is actually quite high, the volume of air in the cabin being completely refreshed every two to four minutes, "explainsKim Schive, editor of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). "The air flows into the cabin vertically - it enters aerial upsets and is sent down into a circular motion, out of the ground. Once the air leaves the cabin, about half are dropped Outside, and the rest is sent through HEPA (high air output) Filters similar to those used in hospitals, before being mixed with fresh outdoor air and enter the cabin again. "

These HEPA filtersCapture 99.97% of airborne particles. And, as Schive points out, theair in an airplane Is completely changed on tens times per hour, raising the quality of the air up above that of a normal building.

Side view with focus on background of mature Caucasian mother and teenage daughter wearing protective masks as they travel by airplane in time of COVID-19.

Additional data also appear to safeguard this new research from the Department of Defense and the United States. In September, various CEO of the US airline reported that their employees hadlower rate of covidant infection than the general public. "In the United States, but also to our great competitors, our flight attendants have lower Covid infection rates than those of the general population, which is one of the multiple data points that speak of security on board aircraft, at CEO United AirlinesScott Kirby Said at a Politico event, as indicated by ABC News.

In addition, according to a July document of researchers at MIT, theChances you contract Covid-19 in an airplane In which each coach seat is filled by about 1 out of 4 300. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has also published a report on October 8 which stated thatThe risk of contracting Covid on an airplane seemed to be "in the same category as being struck by lightning". Out of 1.2 billion travelers, IATA discovered only 44 reported cases of transmission of potential and most of them took place early in the front pandemicMasks were needed.

So, although many have canceled plans for fear of coronavirus transmission on aircraft, it may not be all that risks. Nevertheless, the CDCnote that there are risks which comes with time to pass security lines and airport terminalsbefore You are on a flight. But traveling on a plane itself is actually low risk.

For more at-risk activities, read it and for additional new viruses that you may have missed, know thatIf you can not feel these 2 things, you can have Covid.

Walk out

Man walking outside in fresh clean air

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine,Walking outside is a low risk activity in terms of covid propagation. In fact, experts argue that any type of exercise outside is "generally safe", including jogging or cycling. You should simply make sure you keep at least six feet away when others are nearby or to pass. And for more precautions that you can take right now, consult the50 security tips Covid essentials the CDC wants you to know.

Pick up food

young asian man wearing coronavirus mask and getting takeout

Even though many states have reopened outdoor and inside meals, the safest dinner way in your favorite restaurant right now is always through takeaway. According to the CDC, therisk of doing COVID A take-away meal or car, is quite low. After all, they say "there is no evidence that food is associated with the diffusion of the virus that causes Covid-19." And if you go dinner, know thatIt's the worst place to sit in a restaurant right now, studied.

Have an outside picnic

white woman with a face mask reading a book next to a picnic basket on a blanket

Meet friends outdoors for a gathering is a safer solution to see people during the pandemic. According to John Hopkins, as long as everyone brings their "clean blanket, food and utensil and maintains a physical distancing," an outdoor picnic with friends or a family is generally safe. And for more ways to stay safe with others, checkThe worst thing # 1 that you can do when you visit someone right now.

Visit outdoor markets

little blond white boy in pumpkin patch wearing covid mask

Americans love falling autumn activities, but many ways to traditionally celebrate autumn holidays are not all you are sure. According to the CDC, visit the autumnal markets, pumpkin patches or orchards isnot too risky of an activity. They recommend that people only visit markets that apply masks, social distance and the use of hand disinfecting before touching anything, however. And for more useful content delivered directly into your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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