This common habit is not only raw - it can cause dementia, says a new study

If you need a reason to stop doing it, it's an excellent.

Dementia is more than a specific disease, it is a umbrella term encompassing several different conditions that alterYour ability to remember, think and make decisions. Currently,55 million people worldwide have dementia, and this number should increase by 10 million each year, reports the World Health Organization (WHO).

Whereas73% of Americans Living with dementia is 75 years old or over, you can start taking measures to prevent this neurodegenerative condition at any age by kickingSome unhealthy habits. Now, a new shocking study reveals that a rather disgusting habit (to be honest, most of us are guilty on occasion) can increase yourRisk of Alzheimer's disease, the most common cause of dementia.

Read the rest to discover what it is, so that you can stop doing it and keeping your brain in good shape for the years to come.

Read this then:If this happens to you at night, you can be an increased risk of dementia, discover a new study.

Your daily habits have an impact on the risk of your dementia.

Woman Stretching in the Morning
Singe Images / Shutterstock

Multiple studies show that several lifestyles are crucial to supporting cognitive health and reducing your risk of developing dementia. To keep your mind lively and reduce your risk of dementia, theFour best habits You can implement in your daily life are regular physical activity, mental stimulation, social commitment and good nutrition. All these elements help protect your aging brain and can delay or prevent the start of dementia.

If healthy lifestyles support an appropriate brain function as you age, it should not be surprising that bad lifestyles can drivecognitive decline And increase your risk of dementia. Several factors, including smoking, alcohol consumption, do not sleep sufficiently, poor nutrition, social isolation and lack of exercise can contribute to a higher risk of drop in mental faculties. Although these unhealthy habits are well -established risk factors for dementia, other less known habits can increase your risk.

Read this then:If you do this while walking, it can be an early sign of dementia, says a new study.

Doing this makes your risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Middle aged man picking his nose driving a car.
Miguel AF / Shutterstock

According to a February 2022 study published inScientific relationships, choosing your nose can increase your risk ofDevelop Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

More specifically, the study revealed that the bacterial strainChlamydia pneumoniae—A harmful pathogen linked to respiratory infections, including pneumonia - use your nasal passages as a way to enter your body. Your brain cells respond to this bacterial invasion byTaking up the amyloid beta protein, a toxic compound found regularly in the brain of those with Alzheimer's. This protein is grouped to form plates that accumulate between neurons and disrupt cellular function.

James St. John, PhD, co-author of the study and chief of theClem Jones Center for Neurobiology and Stem Cell Researchsaid in a press release: "We are the first to show thatChlamydia pneumoniae Can rise directly in the nose and the brain where it can trigger pathologies that resemble Alzheimer's disease. We have seen this happen in a mouse model, and the evidence is also potentially frightening for humans. ""

Choosing your nose alters your body's natural capacity to filter harmful bacteria.

Man Picking His Nose
Lolostock / Shutterstock

In addition to being unsanitary, digging for gold damages the inner lining of your nose. These damage allow bacteria to bypass the blood-brain barrier, a filtering mechanism thatblocks the passage of certain substances to enter your brain. In addition, the cumulative or cutting nose hair can increase the risk of your dementia.Nose hair is natural filters This helps to block bacteria, allergens and dust to enter your lungs and brain, which means that nose picking and cries, cutting or nose hair firing serious consequences for health that you may not realize.

"Nose hair is the first line of defense to keep awayLaura Purdy, MD, afamily doctor certified by the board of directors in Fort Benning, in Georgia. "Whatever the presence or absence of nose hair, it is more the picking of the nose and the exposure of the blood circulation to the bacteria which live in the respiratory tract which could potentially increase yourRisk of Alzheimer's disease. ""

Additional research is necessary to determine the impact on humans.

Nose and Brain Diagram
Natali _ Mis / Shutterstock

Since the study was based on animal models, additional research is necessary to determine the impact of damaged nasal passages and nose hair on the risk of dementia. "We have to do this study in humans and confirm whether the same path works in the same way," said St. John. "These are research that has been proposed by many people but which are not yet finished. What we know is that these same bacteria are present in humans, but we have not determined how they come. "

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