This teen idol from the 90s was so high during the shooting, he does not remember the intrigue of his film
"At the time, when we turned this, I was the biggest stoner in the world."

Fans remember the comedy for teenagers 1998I can not wait As a film on a festival of secondary school diploma full of ruptures, love confessions and songs from a group called Love Burger. StarEmbry Ethan, on the other hand, does not remember it at all. In an interview with VH1, Embry revealed thatHe was so high During production, he is not sure of the intrigue or even what he did in the film.
InI can not wait, Embry plays the role of Preston Meyers, an unpopular guy in love with the queen of the ball, Amanda Beckett (Jennifer Love Hewitt). He decides to share his feelings during a last day of school breakup but has trouble strengthening courage. The film also presents the shenanigans of other classmates, with a casting that includesSeth Green,,Lauren Ambrose,,Peter Facinelli, andMelissa Joan Hart.
Ask Embry his memories of the film, and he will not be able to find details. Read the rest to see what he had to say, years later, about his experienceI can't wait barely.
Read this then:Teen Idol of the 90s says that she was "used as a sexual accessory" on her hit show.
He was called the "biggest stoner in the world".

InAn interview of 2013 with VH1 For the 15th anniversary of the film, Embry was asked about "the craziest thing" that happens during the shooting.
"At the time, when we turned this, I was the biggest stoner in the world," he replied. "I remember that the director came to me and asked me if I was" modified ". But other than that, nothing comes out because I was so stoned all the time. ""
He did not remember basic facts on the film.

We also asked Embry if the fans quoted the film to him, and he replied: "Maybe that's what these bizarre people say. I haven't seen the film all along, and I I was stoned. I have never read the script. If they quote it, then I don't know. "
When a scene in which he makes backflips in the background was mentioned, the actor said: "I don't know! People say that. I heard that before too. Honestly, I wouldn't know . I was so stoned in time. I don't remember if it was me. It could be me. This is something I would do. "
As for what he remembers the plot, Embry has ventured: "Uh, uh, uh ... is this a party?
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He remembered a detail on his kissing scene.

At the end of the film, Preston and Amanda share a kiss. Embry remembers this part, because Hewitt gave him the respiratory mint in advance.
"I remember entering my trailer, there was this basket -" Because I was a smoker and the biggest pot of the world and I probably felt a walking ashtray -and there was a basket of breath, do you know? "He said to VH1." Like really pretty. As almost you give someone flowers or a basket of fruit but she gave me 50 respiratory mint. And they are all different types. Everything was very soft. And it always makes me laugh. smell good. ""
Embry also talked about it during aReddit asks me anything in 2015.
"The day we made the scene of the kisses at the end of the film with Jennifer Love Hewitt, she obtained this very big basket of breathing mint and a teddy bear in stuffed animals, because it - very well that Everyone knew-I spent most of my time smoking massive bong tears in my trailer ... She did not want to go out with a chimney flavored with the mixture, "he wrote." AI used respiratory mints. They were rather nice cotton halls. "
He grew up to appreciate the film over time.

In a 2015 interview with Insider, Embry admitted that he was not always proud toI can not waitbuthad come there overtime.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"If we were doing this interview two or three years ago, and you mentioned the film, my reaction would have been" UuugGGGGGHHHH, "he said." I now appreciate it. "
He explained more: "It was just work, but I remember so much to fight very hard for the role. I'm lucky to have it like a piece of my past ... I can appreciate it more Now. Who explains it does not do you want, when they approach the mature age, to look back on their youth in a festive way? So, it is really a nice gift that was offered to me. "
Other notable roles from the 90s that the actor played include Marc in Record Empire , The bass-player That thing you do and Rusty Griswold in Varcières de Vegas . These days, Embry, 44, has just finished with the Netflix series Grace and Frankie . And his most recent film is this year Last living view .

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