15 animal species miraculously saved from extinction

These animals have made the front.

Overcrowding, pollution and poaching are all major threats to the health and well-being of animals on Earth. Bumble Bees has just made the endangered list, the orangutanese population has reached a critical low and even red tuna is overcome. Fortunately, there are at least good news: many animals facing an extinction are again number to once again, restoring the ecological balance of their natural habitats in the process. So read and rejoice! And when you want to know more about an animal that is a little closer to you, discover the20 amazing facts that you have never known your dog.

grey Wolf

Gray wolf

Once originating in many of North America, Europe and Asia, gray wolves have experienced an important population that falls over the last century. The gray wolves were almost exterminated from the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. However, today they are slowly returning to their natural habitats. In fact, in 2008, the gray wolf puppies were born at once in Washington State and Oregon, the first documentedBirths of wolves In either State since the 1930s.

Bald Eagle

American bald eagle

It had been thought that nearly 500,000 white-headed eagles in the United States in the 1700s. Unfortunately, this number fell to only 412 nesting pairs in the continental United States of the 1950s. After performing the list of species. Endangered in 1967, hunting prohibitions in Bald Eagle were put in place across North America. The population has become nearly 70,000 people in the United States contiguous. And for more good trivia, consult theThe most sustainable lies in American history.

Gray whale

Gray whale jumping

Even the long life of the gray whale up to 70 years - did not do much to keep its population stable. In the 19th century, the gray whale was extinguished in the North Atlantic and the whale hunting caused the reduction of its Pacific-based population. However, a reducing the whale has allowed the population to flourish. About 26,000 gray whaleslive in the Pacific today. Whether you want to add whales or snowboarding to your next travel route, theseWinter weekend escapes are well the trip.

sea ​​lion

Sea lion

It can be difficult to imagine that sea lions, a clip of most zoos and aquariums, have been threatened. Unfortunately, increased predation has been considered a decline of up to 80% in the population of Lion Sea Stivel at the end of the 1990s. Stelter Sea Lions was then added to the list of endangered species and increased Regularly in number since. Stelter Sea Lions has been takenoutside the list of endangered species in 2013.

White rhinoceros

White rhino

Only three northern white rhinoceros, all captive, exist anywhere on the earth. However, the southern white rhinoceros population is flourishing. South white rhinoceros, once thought off, now has aprosperous populationWith more than 20,000, thanks to conservation efforts in their natural habitats in Kenya, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Of course, poaching is still a major concern - but the species is currently back from the front.

Brown pelican

Brown pelican

This long-spilled bird, originally from North America, was once other than disappeared. DDT's umbrella use has made many sterile brown pelicans, while the hunt has threatened to eliminate the remaining population. Fortunately, the 1972 DDT ban in the United States has helped to increase the reproduction of brown pelican. The bird has since been degraded to endanger at least concerns. About 650,000 brown pelicans now live in North and South America.

Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine falcon

Similar to the brown pelican, the population of the peregrine falcon has decreased sharply because the use of DDT has increased. This bird of prey was particularly sensitive to DDT poisoning, thanks to its diet of fish contaminated by DDT and smaller birds. While pèlerars were added to the list of threatened species in the 1970s, the prohibition of the DDT and the foundation of IndianaReintroduction program Pèlegrine Have merveilles for population growth. The bird was removed from the list of endangered species in 1999.

Siberian Tiger

Amur tiger

The Siberian Tiger or Amur Tigre has experienced dramatic population growth over the last decade. Although it is considered to be 40 Siberian tigers left in Russia by the 1940s, a prohibition of increased tiger hunting and conservation efforts have given dramatic change. In 2005, 400 Siberian tigers were thought, but this number increased to more than 540 today.

Canadian aleumatic goose

Canada goose

While geese are hardly a rare view for North Americans, Canada's Aleuina's goose population has reached a critical low less than half a century ago. These geese, original of a chain of islands in the North Pacific, have experienced a population drop of all time at only 800 in the 1970s. Fortunately, at the end of the 20th century, there were more than 32,000 Birds and counting.

Galapagos Giant Turtle

Galapagos tortoise

The Galapagos giant turtle population struck a short time in the 1970s. This type of turtle, which can live more than 170 years of captivity, had a population of nearly 3,000 inhabitants a little over 40 years ago. , of more than 250,000 in the 1500s. Fortunately, a reduction in predation and deforestation and captive reproducing efforts have increased the population up to 19,000 in the 2000s. Before reserve your next stain adventure animals, make sure you have this secret turn forSave on air tickets engaged in memory.

Mountain gorilla

Shutterstock / Onyx9

These dark gorillas, Shaggy, original mountainous regions in Central Africa, slowly, but regularly, come back from the edge of extinction. While habitat loss and hunting have seen theMountain gorilla population Decrease of the 20th century, conservation efforts have led to significant population growth. While always in danger critically, more than 880 mountain gorillas have now thought about Central Africa, up more than 160 gorillas since the early 2000s.

American alligator


It seems that alligator's comments and attacks are a daily occurrence in the United States. However, just 50 years ago, the American alligator was in danger of disappearing. The US Alligator joined the list of endangered species in 1967, leading to a reduction in alligator hunting in the southern United States. Today, it is thought that more than 5 million alligators live in the south - about 1.25 million Florida.

Flying squirrel

American flying squirrel

These acrobatic squirrels were recently endangered to be wiped completely. Industrialization and deforestation resulted in the reduction of the Western Virginia squirrel population until 1985, when it was added to the list of threatened species. However, conservation efforts have increased theFlying squirrel population Significantly, and they are no longer in danger from 2009.


Brown bear

The loss of habitat, hunting and low birth rates has all contributed to a Chinese grizzly population. Although the Californian and Mexican grizzlies have recently disappeared, yellowstone grizzlies have just beenRemoved the list of endangered species. Today, it is thought that 600 grizzlies live in and around Yellowstone. It is estimated that 55,000 total grizzlies living in North America, including the mass-30,000 call of Alaska. If you spot a grizzly on your next adventure, make sure to use the rightPhoto organization tips Keep this memory fresh forever.

Condor California

American vulture

Just 30 years ago, there were only 22 California condoses in the United States. DDT and poisoning, poaching, habitat loss and electrocution have provoked the disappearance of California to almost disappear by 1987. Fortunately, captive reproduction, habitat recovery and a post increase -Liberation of wild reproduction saw the population of California Condor near 500.

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Tags: animals
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