10 benefits and properties of onion that we should all know

Onion is an essential food in our day to day that we sometimes do not know how to value. Today we tell you some of its main properties.

The simplicity of everyday life sometimes hides treasures that we fail to value in its fair measure. Foods of the humility of a "simple" onion hide a lot of benefits and properties that we should know to appreciate them in all their splendor. Today we tell you 10 aspects of the onion that surely make you change the chip about this food that cannot be missing in any kitchen. And that, although sometimes it makes us cry, it helps us much more than we think.


The onion is composed of water by 89%, so it is very light and with few calories. It provides vitamin C, potassium, calcium and phosphorus, as well as small amounts of other elements such as sulfur or magnesium.

A cardiosaludable food

Given its composition and, especially, its sulfur content, onion helps prevent the appearance of thrombus, in addition to helping to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides. One of the properties that we have always heard that have been attributed to onion is to be good for circulation, which is totally true.

Diuretic properties

Thanks to its high potassium content, onion has a great diuretic effect, which is very beneficial when fighting hypertension and some kidney problems.

A PR foodeitherbiotic

Something that is talked about lately (and sometimes we insist on looking in less natural compositions), we have it in a product as everyday as onion. This vegetable contains fruct-oligosaccharides that encourage the growth of intestinal bacteria, which helps avoid colon cancer.

Antioxidant properties

Another of the most wanted benefits in the food can be found in the onion. Thanks to its quercitin content, onion is a powerful antioxidant that is very effective when avoiding tissue aging. To some extent, it also avoids the appearance of tumors.

It helps fight diabetes

Another of the onion components is chromium, which encourages pancreatic activity, which stimulates insulin segregation and helps reduce blood sugar levels.

Thanks to its components, onion helps intestinal transit, preventing constipation and reducing the heaviness of digestions. It also prevents the appearance of fungi and intestinal parasites.

Antiseptic properties

Thanks to some of the components that we have already mentioned, such as sulfur and quercitin, onion is very effective in fighting some respiratory problems such as asthma or bronchitis. And not only does your intake help, since placing an onion split in half on the night table helps reduce cough. It is a popular remedy used during generations and now we know that it works due to these components.

Power digestive health

Thanks to its components, onion helps intestinal transit, preventing constipation and reducing the heaviness of digestions. It also prevents the appearance of fungi and intestinal parasites.

Reduces the possibility of cancer

This is a very delicate issue, since no food or diet reduces the possibility of the appearance of a tumor as a whole, but there are studies that indicate that onion could help avoid this disease.

Purifying effect

Onion has the ability to eliminate some of the toxins and ferments that our body produces during digestion, which also helps reduce the presence of gases in the intestine and, consequently, improves intestinal health in general.

Categories: Food and travel
Tags: feeding / / nutrition / Health
By: lia-beck
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