Must be followed! Here are 6 Cool Skincare Influencers in Tiktok

This time we will discuss about 6 Cool Skincare Influencers in Tiktok that you must follow!

Do you love to take care of the skin that need referencesSkincarethe good one? Or thirsty important information about skin care? Relax, this time we will discuss about 6influencer skincarecool in that you must ticktockFollow.Of course! So you can add more insight about the world of skin care orSkincareOf course! Well, there areInfluenceranyone? Direct first check the list below.

1. @skincarebyhyram

In the first list there Hyram Yarbro Hawaiian origin, famous with @skincarebyhyram ticktock account. If you like the worldSkincare, Certainly is not foreign to him. Yes, the man who publicly debut in 2015 ago, attracted more than 6 millionFollower. From the reaction video activitySkincareothers, to review the product and brand, Hyram managed to make it to the maximum, of course, with useful information. In fact, he often menginfokan if any one netizen who applySkincareOf course!

One of its flagship content Hyram is the series "The Truth About" that you can also follow in their YouTube channel with more than 4 millionSubscriber. The series will explore thoroughly opinion about productsSkincarepopular, such as the Clean & Clear, Dove, and many others. Curious? Straight tocuriousTicktock and her YouTube Hyram!

2. @ dr.ziee

Furthermore, there is dr. Yessica Tania with ticktock account name @ dr.ziee. He is a consultant living aesthetic treatments Bali, Indonesia, which has 1.2 millionFollowerThe ticktock. Women who familiarly called Yessica or Zie often provide interesting tips on skin care, ranging from foods that are not good for the skin, causing acne on the cheeks, until a skin graft! Really educate its contents, making the audience understand important things about facials.

In addition to providing tips and information essential for skin care, it is often a role model OOTD Yessica netizen! How not, the clothes he wears everyday is inspiring, especially if you love OOTD feminine theme. This is evident from her post on Instagram account with more than 160 thousandFollower. Inspirational deh!

3. @ jc.dombrowski

The man from Georgia named John Dombrowski did not seem to be missing from the listinfluencer skincarecool! Unlike the debut Hyram that have long enough, John only took about 2 years to reach 2.8 millionFollower. John often discuss things aroundSkincaresuch products under 50 dollars, brandSkincarewhich is not recommended, and personal opinion about the productSkincarelatest.

Besides discussing aboutSkincareJohn Dombrowski also like to discuss things about the sea. Starting from the biota, the facts, until the tips of the sea. So if youFollow.John TikToknya account, then you will be spoiled by its contents unique. Interested follow?

4. @drrichardlee

Well, this viral ya again recently because it clashed with the artist Kartika Putri, he dr. Richard Lee. Yep, the man nicknamed Richard it has named @drrichardlee ticktock account that has about 1.3 millionFollower. Why be at odds with Kartika Putri? Because Richard called one brand ever endorsed Kartika as a brand with harmful content. It was not just a mere waffle, he has proved through laboratory tests, but Kartika Putri not accept and try to report it to the police. Wow!

Richard Lee is a hobby really check the contentSkincarefamous brands through laboratory testing. That's the main attraction visited by netizens why his account. Plus he loves to share tips and interesting information about the health of the skin and body. In addition, Richard also has a YouTube channel with more than 1.8 millionSubscriberyou know. Directly dehkepoinRichard Lee ya!

5. @yayayayoung

If you prefer with content topicSkincarewith a cast of comedy, it looks like you are obligedFollow.@yayayayoung deh! Yuh Young man's real name is like uploading contents onSkincarein a way that is unusual and comical expression, genuine deh!

Some examples of the viral content is "My super lazy night routine" which was watched by over 3 million viewers. Do not be fooled by the title, although no words super lazy, but super-long treatment process! In addition, Young Yuh also have Instagram and YouTube accounts that have been followed by tens of thousands of netizens. Is it curious? Directkepoinjust!

6. @whatsonvisface

On the last list there are beautiful women named VI Lai. Woman with the name Tiktok account @Whatsonvisface hasVibeContent similar to Young Yuh, hilarious and adorable. Women who currently live in Massachusetts often make interesting and funny content about facial care.

Some of the content that had been viral, which is about everything needed for facial care, the way the sunscreen application when driving a car, and how to handle the skin is burned because of the sun. Everything was wrapped in a funny and adorable expression. Until now, the VI TICTOK account has been attended by more than 600 thousandFollowerWhy! In addition, he also has an Instagram and YouTube account too. Interested soFollower-his?

Well, that's 6Skincare influencercool in your mandatory tiktokFollow.. From the list above, more dominant men huhInfluencer-his. But strangely,Skincare influencermen have a manFollowerWhich is very much! Well, if you have a role modelInfluencerOthers, don't forget to let us know in the comments column!

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