The symptom that this 9-year-old coovide patient had 6 months

A young long-carrier of Covid suffered serious symptoms of coronavirus since they become sick.

One of the most frightening aspects of thecoronavirus pandemic Do we deal with a new virus, we learn new things daily. Doctors and researchers still have a lot to discover with regard to this disease, including how long it can linger in some patients. It has recently been more important to focus on Covid lengths, sick people andSymptom experience for months. September 15, CNNChris Cuomo Spoken with 9 yearsEli Lipman, a long-carrier of Covid fighting a fever since March.

"The children, I'm sorry to say that, but it's a big deal. It's bad," Eli said, next to his father,Jonathan Lipman, which is alsoFight with long-term Covid. "You just cope with the truth - sometimes you do not agree."

According to Jonathan, Eli had aLow quality fever During months. This led to a "crazy" experience of doctors who rejected the family's concerns, because the fever was only 100 degrees. According to the Mayo Clinic, a fever is generally only dangerous when itreached 103 degrees or more. But a 100-degree fever every day for months is certainly alarming, as Jonathan noted.

"Even this morning hehad fever again, "Said Jonathan." He was back in the afternoon, but it really wiped him this morning and it's always something we struggled. "

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Eli has described other symptoms, including extreme fatigue, one of the most commonCOVID complications, saying, "I could not get up. I did not want to do anything." He said he now has more energy and is able to walk more, that he shared "good news" for other lengths, especially other children who could go through the same experience.

The long-time COVID of Eli is certainly unusual because of its age: children seem to be less likely toSerious cases of coronavirus, as notes of CNN. In fact, a large number of children can be asymptomatic, so many people are worried about the potential ofSchool openings lead to epidemics of Covid, with young people as silent carriers.

Nevertheless, symptomatic covidage is possible in children andCase figures have increased Among the children. And although most young people can experience a very criminal disease, serious complications are possible, including the long-standing syndrome that Eli and his father are confronted.

Of course, fever and fatigue are just two of the many long-haul symptoms we know. Here are some of the other most commonly reported complications. And for a complete list of symptoms, Covid Long-Supplers reported, they areThe 98 symptoms of lasting durable covidants you need to know.

Muscle / corporal pain

Woman with back pain holding back sitting on couch

TheFacebook Group Body Survivor Corps Pain of muscles and backs reported as the second long lasting Covid symptom.Marcus tomoff, a 28-year-old Covid long carrier saidTime that he suffers fromPain of back and chest. And for some lengths of Covid, you may have heard of these7 celebrities with scary covoying symptoms in the long term.



Tomoff also cited anxiety as one of its lasting symptoms. Nearly 50% of Covid lengths listed anxiety as a symptom in the survivor's body survey. And for more on the durable effects of coronavirus, discoverThe 15 most common conditions of COVID survivors.

Difficulty breathing

Mid adult man having health issues. Holding his chest and wearing a protection mask.

An article from the NPR on people withSymptoms of long-term covid Includes breathing difficulties or an inability to catch its breath as a frequent complaint of long lengths. "Shortness of breath" or "breathable difficulty" was the third most common symptom in the survivor's body survey. And if you are concerned about your own symptoms,These 2 symptoms tell you if it's Covid-19 or the flu.


30 something woman sick at home on couch

Both theTime NPR reports mention Nausea as a sustainable coronavirus symptom. According to the survey survey, 1 out of 5 Covid handallers experiment with nausea or vomiting. And for more updated news,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / kids / News
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