70 percent of the Americans jump this daily habit that could prevent dementia: right?

There is no remedy for dementia, but this simple task could reduce your risk of developing it.

Dementia - who currently hasNo known remedy- Affects more than55 million people Around the world, reports the World Health Organization (WHO). And with nearly 10 million new cases diagnosed each year, looking forEarly symptoms of the disease In order to obtain treatment as soon as possible is important. Avoid things that can increase your risk of cognitive decline, asUltra processed foods, is also vital. "Researchers are still investigatingHow is the condition developing"Reports the National Health Service (NHS), which advises that a healthy lifestyle is not only useful to prevent dementia, but also" cardiovascular disease, such as cerebral vascular accidents and heart attacks, which are they -Mee of the risk factors for Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia (the two most common types of dementia). "It has been shown that a particular daily habitHelp prevent dementia- And yet, many Americans jump. Read the rest to discover what it is.

Read this then:Do this in the morning quadruple your risk of dementia, the study says.

Millions of people worldwide live with dementia.

Senior woman sitting on bed.
Dean Mitchell / Istock

"Dementia is a group of conditions associated with alteration of brain functions such as memory loss and altered capacity to perform daily tasks", "ExplainMahnaz Rashti, Dds. "Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia," she said. "This is a specific disease, while dementia is wider. The main symptoms are memory loss and confusion."

TheDementia statistics Paint a frightening image. With millions of new cases diagnosed each year, dementia is "currently the seventh cause of death among all diseases, and one of the main causes of disability and dependence among the elderly in the world", explains the WHO . "Dementia has physical, psychological, social and economic impacts, not only for people with dementia, but also for their caregivers, their families and their society as a whole."

An article published by the National Library of Medicine believes thatA new case of dementia is diagnosed every seven seconds, and that "the number of people affected will double every 20 years, to 81.1 million by 2040".

Read this then:If you cannot do it, you can be at high risk of dementia, says a new study.

The symptoms of dementia vary.

Woman talking to distraught senior woman.
Fotografixx / Istock

Memory loss is the symptom most often associated with different types of cognitive decline, and it is, in fact, often a sign of dementia. "Indeed, dementia is caused by damage to the brain, and these damage can affect the areas of the brain involved in the creation and recovery of memories," explains Alzheimer's society. "For a person with dementia, memory problems will become more persistent and will start to affect daily life." Otherwell -known warning signs Include confusion and bad judgment.

More subtle symptoms of dementia includemood and personality changes, which can easily be confused with other conditions, such as depression and anxiety. When someone's ability to make financially linked decisions, it can also be a red flag. "People with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia can start to havedifficulty managing their finances Several years before their diagnosis, according to new research supported by the National Institute of Aging (NIA), "reports the NIA site.

Healthy lifestyle choices can help prevent cognitive decline.

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Studies have shown that living a healthy lifestyle that encompasses the social, emotional and physical aspects of well-being can help prevent different types of dementia. The new medical news today report thatSome habits have been found To help reduce the risk of cognitive decline. These include drinking in moderation, not smoking and obtaining an adequate exercise and enough sleep. Social contact is also important - with the emphasis on having people in your lifeWho will listen to you.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Researchers also learn more and more about howGood oral hygiene May have an impact on various aspects of your health, including brain health. This does not only understand the brushing of the teeth, but also in the evenings. Rashti explains that "bacteria that cause gum disease is also associated with the development of Alzheimer's disease. By maintaining good oral health and keeping the diseases of the gums, which prevents plaque from reaching the brain" , she says. "On the other hand, if your oral health is not managed properly, bacteria can lead to dementia."

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Dental silk, not just brushing them, can help reduce your risk of dementia.

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Many people think that brushing their teeth every day is enough to constitute good oral hygiene, but dental silk is also vital. "The food that remains between the teeth causes inflammation of the gums and dental caries.The only way to remove it, "Sivan FinkelDMD, told webmd. "A toothbrush just can't get between your teeth." Webmd reports that people who brush and brush themselves regularly are not also likely to have bleeding gums. "They had lower levels of inflammation of the gums (called gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease)," said the site.

So what is the link between dental silk and dementia? "The bacteria that cause gum disease is also associated with the development of Alzheimer's disease," warns Rashti. "By maintaining good oral health and keeping the diseases of the gums under control, this prevents the plate from reaching the brain."

Rashti explains that a oral hygiene routine that includesBrusters and dental silk regularly has many advantages. "This reduces the risk of dental disintegration," she said. "It also reduces the sensitivity of the teeth and the risk of cavities." And Mayo Clinic explains that oral health is linked toDifferent diseases and conditions, which includes heart health.

Almost 70% of Americans are not dental silk daily.

Closeup of woman's hand holding dental floss
Alliance / Shutterstock images

Duong T. Nguyen, a medical epidemiologist of the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), conducted a study which examined the hubs of silk wire of just over 9,000 American adults aged 30 and over between 2009 and 2012, according toReport of news and the American world. The study revealed that more than 32% of respondentsNever at all silk, and more than 37% said "less than daily dental silk". More men than women have said they never had dental silk - with 39% of men completely jumping in a healthy habit, while only 27% of women have not treated at all. And a huge 45% of people aged 75 and over admitted that they never had a silk.

Matthew Messina, DDS, told the point of sale that he thought that most dentists would guess the number of non -daily flames as lower, closer to 90%. "Whether two thirds of patients are dental silk daily or regularly is probably good news," he said.

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