The best care and tips for a proportional face without surgery!
There are tips and care so that the face is more proportional without the need to undergo surgery! Wow, what's up?

Having a proportional face seems to be the dream of every human being, especially women. Moreover, the current beauty standards are getting higher. Evidenced by trends in South Korea, namelyV-Shape Facewho encouraged his pigs to look in the mirror and said to himself, "Is my face proportional?"
Then if the face is not proportional, is there any special handling so that the face is more proportional? Actually there are various ways to achieve it, depending on the final goal you want to achieve. If you want a face shape that is similar to South Korean or Hollywood artists, then one way is a plastic surgery or large operation that requires surgery.
But calm down, if your goal is to get a faster, cleaner, and proportional face than before, it turns out there are tips and treatments, especially those without surgery! Wow, what kind of treatment? Immediately, we go to the first list below.
1. Fat Away Mesotherapy
On the first list there is a pretty well -known treatment at a beauty clinic, namelyFat Away Mesotherapy.What kind of treatmentFat Away Mesotherapythat? Beauty doctors will inject vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and plant extracts to eliminate excess fat in some of the desired parts of the face.
CareFat Away MesotherapyHelps rejuvenate and tighten the skin. So it is suitable for shrinking some fatty areas that look more proportional to the other side. So such as someone who complained of his left chin was more fatty than the right, so he could take careFat Away MesotherapyOn the chin of the left side to shrink by itself.

2. Skin Tightening Therapy
Did you know that the skin sagging in one part alone can affect the overall appearance, including proportional face? To handleSagging skinor sagging skin, one of the most effective treatments isskin tightening therapy.This therapy uses Hifu or High Intensity Focused Ultrasound technology without surgery.
Then how does HIFU work? This technology produces heat energy and provides a contraction effect on the upper muscle layer and has a direct effect. In addition, hyphu also stimulates the dermis layer to regenerate collagen and elastin. As an end result, the skin will become firmer, wrinkles and fine lines are reduced, pores shrink,Double Chin reduced, and blackheads raised.

3. Thread Lift
Furthermore, there is treatment that is also popular in the world of beauty, namelyThread Lift.This treatment is calledThread LiftBecause it inserts a special thread in the inner layer of facial skin to lift and form a face. After the thread is embedded in the face, it will stimulate collagen to fill the loose skin gap and less proportional.
Although treatmentThread LiftUsing yarn, but this type of treatment is still classified without surgery because there are no incisions and stitches in the outer layer of the skin. Different from treatmentFace Liftor a clear plastic surgery through the surgical method. You can do treatmentThread LiftIn some areas of the face such as cheeks, jaws, around the eyes, nose, and forehead.

4. Face Sculpting
If treatmentFat Away Mesotherapyin the first list aims to reduce fat in the face, then treatmentFace SculptingServes to fill the concave face area due to lack of fat. So that it can make the face more proportional and symmetrical. In addition, this treatment is also useful so that the skin becomes smoother, without acne, and flat.
Then how does treatment workFace Sculpting?In general, this treatment injects hyaluronic acid In the dermis layer of the skin to fill the skin layer under the epidermis that is uneven with the surrounding skin layer. This treatment is also known asFiller.Of course this treatment is not through the surgical method at all.

5. Botox Injection
If we hear the wordBotoxSo what comes to mind is bad things huh? This happens becauseBotoxKnown to have a long -term side effect that is quite terrible, the face looks faster, sagging, and swollen. But did you know that treatmentBotox InjectionStay safe to do as long as a small dose?
Yes, negative cases aroundBotox Injectionoccurs because it uses a dose that is too high. But by handling medical personnel experts and dermatology specialists, you can getBotox InjectionWith a safe process because it uses small doses, thus helping relaxation of the facial muscles, form the contour of the face area, and the shape of the face looks more proportional.

6. AvoidHabitCertain
In addition to undergoing treatment so that the shape of the face looks more proportional, you should also avoid certain activities that are bad for health. What are the examples of activities? The first is not or rarely exercise. Because with exercise, collagen production will increase, so it is believed that the skin will be able to become firmer.
In addition, also avoid bad activities such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and consumption of fast food aliasJunk Food.In addition, activities such as frowning, exposed to direct sunlight, and chewing only on one side also should be avoided.
Now that's treatment andTipsSpecifically so that the face is more proportional. Don't forget to consult a dermatology doctor first so that an allergic reaction does not occur after undergoing treatment! Are there tips and treatments that haven't been written here? Tell us in the comments column!

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