I go through menopause, and that's what is in my pharmacy cabinet
An educator of menopause shares his best symptom resolution products.

Going through menopause can completely upset what you feel in your body. In addition to undergoing changes to your menstrual cycle, you can also discover hot flashes, chills,night sweats, Sleep changes, metabolic changes, mood swings, etc.
This is why we contactedAndrea Donsky, Rhn,A nutritionist and menopause educator, to discover how she faces these symptoms and others. "I was in perimenopause for eight years and now menopause for two years, so I have been on this trip for a total of 10 years," explains DonskyBetter life. "As a nutritionist who is in menopause, I am an ardent defender to eat nutritious foods, to drink half of our weight in ounces (to stay hydrated), to exercise slightly and to take daily supplements ", she says. Read the rest to learn the five things they say that each person in perimenopause or menopause should keep in their pharmacy cabinet.
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Omega-3 supplements

Donsky says that many women liveIncrease in inflammation levels During perimenopause and menopause. To counter this, she recommends taking supplements of omega-3 oil or fish oil containing docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). She notes that these "are perfect for the health of the heart and brain, hair, skin and nails".
A study conducted in 2009 conducted by researchers from the Faculty of Medicine of Laval University in Quebec, Canada, adds that there is another advantage associated withTake omega-3 during menopause: They "facilitate psychological distress and depressive symptoms often suffered by menopausal and perimenopausal women".
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Magnesium glycine supplements

Magnesium isSignificant nutrient which helps regulate muscle and nervous function, blood sugar,arterial pressureand other crucial bodily functions. Women passing through menopause can feel a drop in magnesium, which can trigger a range of symptoms.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
This is why Donsky always has magnesium glycinate - also known as magnesium diglycinate or magnesium bisglycinate - in its pharmacy cabinet. "This helps sleep, regulating blood sugar, bone health, muscle contractions, eyes spasms, etc.", she explains.

Probiotics are another product that Donsky considers as essential to menopause care. "Probiotics (good bacteria that live in our intestine) are important to support our immune system and help digestion," she explains.Nowsweek report thatProbiotic supplements Can also help prevent bladder and yeast infections, treat irritable colon syndrome, soothe hot flashes and stabilize weight changes during menopause.
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Digestive enzymes

Many women go through menopauseChanges in their digestion and metabolism. "The decrease in quantities of estrogen and progesterone during menopause can slow the process of transmission of food through the gastrointestinal system," explains the Orlando Health non-profit health organization. "When the digestive process takes more time, more water is reabsorbed in the blood circulation, which can cause constipation, an increase in gas and bloating," adds the organization.
Donsky suggests taking digestive enzymes to soothe these unpleasant symptoms. "They help make bloating and break our food so that we can digest and absorb it better."
B Vitamins supplements

B vitamins Play an important role in our health, explains the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. "These vitamins help a variety of enzymes to do their work, ranging from the energy release of carbohydrates and fats to the rupture of amino acids and the transport of oxygen and nutrients containing energy around the body ", Note their experts.
Donsky says they are particularly useful for women passing by menopause because of their cognitive advantages and stimulating mood. "I love vitamins B because many of us feel more anxious in this phase of life and when we are stressed, we exhaust the B vitamins of our body. B vitamins are important for carbohydrate metabolism,brain health, mood and energy, "she saidBetter life.
Best Life offers the most recent information from high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the medication you take or any other health issue you have, always consult your health care provider directly.

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