Eating too much of this can increase your risk of liver cancer, says a new study
A group of people in particular is more at risk, warn the researchers.

Increasingly, researchers demystify the many waysOur microbiome affects our wider health. "Intestinal health is really important", registered dietitianKristin Kirkpatrick, RD, tells the Cleveland Clinic. "There is so much attention and research onmicrobiome and intestinal health Now that experts often call it the "second brain," she said.
Now, new research suggests that eating too much of a particular food - a prebiotic "found in many foods that you probably already eat" - can cause a risk of excessive liver cancer. Read the continuation to find out which food could increase your risk of liver cancer by 40%, and why some people experience this problem.
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Your intestinal health is the key to your overall health.

Your intestinal microbiome is made of thousands of microorganisms that live in your stomach and your intestine. "In a healthy person, these" insects "coexist peacefully, with the greatest number found in small and large intestines but also in the whole body," explains the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, noting that these CI facilitates the daily functioning of the human body. "The microbiome consists of microbes that are both useful and potentially harmful. Most are symbiotics (where the human body and the microbiota benefit) and some, in smaller, are pathogenic (promoting the disease), "they note.
Now, some researchers say that a particular prebioticaffects the risk of liver cancer By modifying your intestinal health and maintains that this is part of their broader understanding of the impact of intestinal health. "We have worked for a long time on this idea that all diseases are starting from the intestine," saidMatam Vijay-Kumar, PHD, study author and professor in the department of physiology and pharmacology at the College of Medicine and Life Sciences and the main author of the newspaper.
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Eating too much of this can increase your risk of liver cancer.

According to the new study, which was carried out on laboratory mice, people who follow regimes rich inrefined fibers like inulin Can be at increased risky risk of liver cancer. Researchers observed that one in 10 healthy animalsLiver cancer developed After consuming a diet containing inulin.
"It was very surprising, given what extent that liver cancer is rarely observed in mice," said Vijay-KumarDirect science. He says that although fiber is a healthy addition to the diet of most people, "the results have raised real questions about the potential risks ofSome refined fibers"Foods containing inulin include whole wheat and certain fruits and vegetables, including asparagus, bananas and garlic.
People with this health problem are the most affected, according to the study.

During their study, the researchers realized that the mice who continued to developliver cancer All had one thing in common: they had an excess of bile acids in their blood caused by a congenital defect previously unnoticed, known as the portosystem shunt. In fact, 100% of mice with an anomaly continued to develop a malignant tumor, while none of the mice with low bile acids had this problem while being nourished by the same diet.
Researchers think it happened due to an inflammatory response that can be generated as the blood leaves the intestines. In usual circumstances, this blood enters the liver, where it is filtered before returning to the rest of the body. However, when the mouse had a portosystem shunt, the blood of the intestine surrounded the liver and found itself in the general blood supply of the body while containing a high concentration of microbial products. These stimulate an inflammatory immune response, which can ultimately lead to cancer.
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Here's what researchers want you to know.

According to the researchers, the key to remember is that from one individual to another, our body manages nutrients differently. According to additional data, they have taken human serum samples, men who had the highest bile acid levels and consumed a high fiber intake presented an increased risk of liver cancer. However, men with the lowest biliary acid levels who had a global consumption of high fiber saw a risk of liver cancer of 29%.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
Study authors say that these results support the need for more biliary acid level tests. Those who are aware that they have abnormally high levels of bile acids should consider changing their diet using a doctor or nutritionist. "Not all fibers are equal and not all fibers are universally beneficial for everyone. liver problems Associated with an increase in bile acids should be careful on refined and fermentable fibers, " Beng San Yeoh , a postdoctoral scholarship holder and the first author of the new newspaper, said Direct science . "If you have a fleeing intestinal liver, you have to pay attention to what you eat, because what you eat will be treated in a different way."