4 signs that your heart health suffers, according to a cardiologist

Many Americans do not know these signs of heart disease warning.

Problems with your heart can appear unexpectedly. Bad breath, for example,may report cardiovascular problems Due to the link between gum disease and heart health. Another red flag? Certain changes thatmanifest in your skin, like the skin stung on your feet and ankles.

It is important to be aware of the potential signs of heart problems. Cleveland Clinic reports that "many Americans do not recognizeKey symptoms of heart attacks In women "and in addition," do not recognize that most heart disease is avoidable - for men and women. Even if 90% of heart disease is due to modifiable / controllable risk factors, only eight percent of Americans know it. ""

Practice the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Healthy lifestyle This includes an appropriate diet and adequate physical exercise, and be on the lookout for any warning sign that you may have cardiovascular problems. Read the rest to discover four potential red flags for your heart health.

Read this then:Do not do this before the bed can hurt your heart, experts warn.

Jaw pain

Woman suffering from a toothache.
Mikolette / Istock

The jaw pain may seem to be a type of discomfort more associated with teeth or neck injury - and it is true that it can indicate other conditions, such asTemporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ). But "the pain radiating to your jaw, your back, your neck or your armmay report heart disease, especially if the origin is difficult to identify, "warns the Cleveland Clinic, which notes that there could be pain without specific muscle or joint:" If the discomfort begins or worsens when you exercise, Then stop when you leave the exercise, you should also have it checked. ""AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Excessive sweating

Woman wiping at perspiration on her face.

Perspiration can tell youa lot on your healthAnd excessive sweating can be caused by various conditions, including menopause - which can cause confusion. Women who sweat a lot at night "can confuse this symptom withAn effect of menopause, "Merchande Healthline". However, if you wake up and your sheets are soaked or if you cannot sleep due to your perspiration, it could be a sign of a heart attack, especially in women. ""

This happens because "pumping blood through obstructed arteries takes more effort from your heart,So your body sweats More to try to reduce your body temperature during additional effort, "explains Healthline." If you feel cold sweats or moist skin, you should consult your doctor. ""


Person in discomfort pausing on a flight of stairs.
Eyenigèle / Istock

Leslie Cho, MD tells the Cleveland Clinic that fatigueDue to poor heart health It's not just daily fatigue. "We are not talking about global fatigue as you feel tired at the end of the day [or] you have to take a nap at 5 am," says Cho. "We are talking about you have been able to set up a coupleStair flights - And now you can barely set up a [or] you cannot go upstairs without feeling serious fatigue. ""

"Although this symptom is easy to reject, especially for women who refuse to slow down, it should be a red flag if you experience it with aOther strange symptoms"WarnWomen's health. "Another sign: if you feel a level of weakness that you had only known until it is sick of the flu. In this case, your heart can have trouble oxygenating your body."

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Chest pain

Patient describing chest pain to doctor.
Djelics / Istock

The chest pain is generally considered as a potential symptom of the heart problem, but the pain may differ from one person to another, saysFidelis O. MKPARU, MD, FACC. "It can manifest itself in many forms, ranging from a strong feeling to dull pain on the chest," explains MkParu. "It is more worrying when the location of the pain is between the middle on the left side of the chest."

Also known as anginaThis pain occurs When the heart muscle does not receive enough blood rich in oxygen, according to the American Heart Association, which advises that the pain can resemble "pressure or pressing" or even indigestion . "In addition, some people feel no pain but have other symptoms such as shortness of breath or fatigue. If these symptoms are due to a lack of oxygen in the heart muscle, this is called an Anginal equivalent '' ' . " ""

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