If you do this in the bathroom, your risk of diabetes is skyrocketing, the study says

It seems to be a healthy habit, but it could do more harm than good.

Diabetes is a complex and potentially serious condition, but the good news is that there are many ways to respond.Eat a healthy diet It is rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibers is crucial. So ensureDo enough exercise. Monitoring the symptoms is just as important; According to centers for disease prevention and control (CDC), out of more than 37 million Americansdiabetes, one in five does not even know that they have the condition. (Note that we are talking about type 2 diabetes here, which affects 90 to 95% of diabetes-suders, according to the CDC.)

It is important to know what can increase your risk factor to develop diabetes. Certain choices and lifestyle activities, as well as other factors, may increase the probability that you are affected by this disease. Read the rest to discover a bathroom habit which, according to the researchers, puts you at a higher risk.

Read this then:Eating this type of cereal for breakfast can reduce the risk of diabetes, say the experts.

There are different types of diabetes.

Doctor talking to patient.
Fatcamera / Istock

The term "diabetes" refers to a range of types of disease. Their common point is that diabetes affects the balance of the blood sugar level. "Diabetesis a chronic disease This happens either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces, "explains the World Health Organization (WHO)." Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar. ""

There areThree main types of diabetes, According to the CDC. These are type 1, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes (diabetes thatoccurs pregnant).

WHO reports that in 2019, "diabetes was the direct cause of 1.5 million dead and 48% of all deaths due to diabetes took place before the age of 70". In addition, "460,000 other deaths by kidney disease were caused by diabetes and increased blood sugar causes around 20% of cardiovascular deaths", explains the site. They also noted that between the 2000s and 2019, the mortality rates widespread by the age of diabetes increased by 3%.

Read this then:If you notice it in the bathroom, check the diabetes, the experts say.

Variable factors can contribute to an increased risk of diabetes

Two people jogging outside.
Maridav / Istock

Although the specific cause of diabetes is not yet known, "in all cases, sugar accumulates in the blood circulation, "explains the Mayo clinic, noting that this happens because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin." Type 1 and type 2 diabetes can be caused by a combination of genetic or environmental factors. We do not know what these factors can be, "said the site. Since the exact cause has not been identified, preventive measures can be crucial.

We think that family history isA contributory factor For type 1 diabetes, according to the CDC. The CDC also cites family history, as well as age and physical exercise, as some of the contributory factors for type 2.

Studies have shown that weight loss - even a small quantity -can reduce your risk Diabetes type 2. Exercise and healthy diet can be effective in reducing your risk. Surprising activities, such asDrink a certain drink Every day can also reduce your risk.

Diabetes is linked to oral health.

Woman brushing her teeth in the bathroom mirror.
Peopleimages / Istock

Various studies have revealed links between practicing good oral hygiene and a number of facets of our health. We now know, for example, that brushing and dental silk the teeth daily can really help youReduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease, while other oral hygiene habits can affectYour heart health.

Taking care of your teeth is also important with regard to diabetes. "By reducing body resistance to infection, diabetesput your gums in danger, "warns the Mayo clinic". The gum disease seems to be more frequent and more serious in people with diabetes, [and] research shows that people with gum disease have more difficulty controlling their blood sugar. "The site advises that" regular periodontal care can improve diabetes control. ""

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Using the rinses can have a negative impact on your health.

Hand pouring bottle of mouthwash into cap.
Jae Young Ju / Istock

Although the maintenance of good oral health is of vital importance for your general well-being, you may want to leave your daily rinse rinse. A study published by theBritish dental newspaper confirms "the importance ofThe oral microbiome In general, health "- also reveals that the use of the rinses can be linked to an increased risk of prediabetes and diabetes.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

For some, the use of rinse-blisters is part of their regular routine, but this activity can cause problems in more ways than one. "The researchers suggest that the use of the rinses at least twice a day destroys" friendly "oral bacteria, which can, in turn, modify the metabolism of blood sugarand promote diabetes, especially for people who are already at high risk of the disease, "said MedicalNewstday.

"Compared to the participants who did not use a mouthwash, those who declared that they used a fog rinse at least twice a day were 55% more likely to develop a prediabetes or a diabetes over three years," reported the Site, while noting that "there was no association between the use of the rinses less than twice a day and the risk of prediabetes or diabetes, according to the researchers."

You may want to reconsider the manufacture of the rinse-blown part of your routine for other reasons. We think that the antiseptic mouthwash is potentiallydamage the teethand rinse with a mouthwash after brushing your teeth,insteadWe also think that this is probably detrimental to your teeth. Certain types of mouthwash can also interact negatively with the drug you take, in particular,Two types of antibiotics This can cause dangerous side effects if used alongside rinses.

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