Home Depot will not let you shop without doing this, with immediate effect
The home renovation retailer has changed in stores to keep a growing problem.

Millions of buyers in the United StatesTurn to Home Depot For their home improvement needs, whether it is to collect new paintings for their home or browse the stock to renovate inspiration. But if you are one of these customers, you will want to be aware of a significant change that could affect the way you buy in these stores. Home Depot has recently started implementing a new policy to try to prevent detail, a growing problem for stores across the country. Read the rest to discover what the retailer now requires that buyers do.
Read this then:5 warnings to ex-homme depot buyers employees.
Detail flight has recently increased.

In the USAWalmart at CVS isface it problem. According to a 2022 report from the National Retail Federation (NRF),more than 72% Retailers say they have seen an increase in the risk of shoplifting since the pandemic. The NRF also found that organized retail crime costs stores more than $ 700,000 per billion dollars in 2020, which represents an increase of more than 50% compared to five years earlier.
"The retail industry - which is struggling with the impacts of the pandemic, labor shortages and supply chain problems - is now confronted with a large -scale flight and looting, in big partyresulting from organized crime, "Neil Bradley, Executive Vice-President and Policy Director of the United States Chamber of Commerce, said in a statement. "Detail flight becomes a national crisis, harming the companies of each state and in the communities they serve. We call on decision -makers to tackle this problem before becoming out of control. No store should close because of the flight. "
Home Depot recently faced a number of display flight incidents.

Home Depot was not spared the increase in retail flight. Last month, two twin brothers from Round Lake, Illinois, were sentenced toFour years in prison For having stolen several home depot stores, theDaily herald reported. They were also sentenced to reimburse $ 933,666 at the domiciliary renovation retailer, which is the amount that the investigators consider that the pair had stolen from Home Depot stores in more than 20 states.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
Then on September 14, Fox 5 Atlanta reported that aflight ring targeting Home Depot stores in the United States had just been broken in the county of Coweta, Georgia. According to the media, the county deputies said they had seized two mini-duties full of large plastic storage bins stolen from Home Depot filled with other stolen goods from the retailer. In this case, investigators indicate that five people are responsible for the theft of more than $ 300,000 in products in Home Depot stores across the country.
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The store now takes precautionary measures.

Home Depot is now working to prevent theft before it occurs.Wall Street's journal reported that Home Depot has locked more productsIn its stores In order to suppress the flight to retail. Retail leaders explain that stores like Home Depot follow high -risk products and lock them in regions or places that are the hardest affected. With this new policy in place, you will not be able to buy for certain products without asking for help from an employee.
In the past 12 months, Home Depot has confirmed that he had locked more of his products in stores while he tests "more suitable solutions to customers and high technology" at the end of the flight to the display. "It is a sorting type scenario. It is to stop bleeding and give you time", "Scott Glenn, vice-president of asset protection at Home Depot, saidWall Street's journal.
According to Glenn, overall flight attempts in retailer stores continue to increase compared to pre-countryic times. But in stores where Home Depot has implemented aggressive theft deterrents, the loss of theft has been reduced and sales for high -flying items are gradually increasing because the store is able to keep them more regularly in stock.
Home Depot is not the only retailer to lock more products.

Wall Street's journal said buyers also find more products locked up in Best Buy stores. One of the retailers' stores in the suburbs of Houston replaced hundreds of articles on the shelves, including Bose speakers and Fitbit activity trackers - with blue panels that say: "This product has remained in a secure location ". Customers are informed that they will have to ask for help from an employee of the store if they buy one of these items.
"There were much more on the ground itself than locked in cages", "Gary Pearce, a 47 -year -old manager in a catering company in the event of a disaster that shops in this Best Buy Weekly store, saidWall Street's journal.
ButDamien Harmon, Omnicannel's executive vice-president of Best Buy, told the newspaper that in all American stores in the company, less than 5% of his products are locked up or in the backgrounds for reasons of protection against the flight. According to Harmon, the company's inventory is now held differently due to the increase in online purchases. But the executive saidWall Street's journal Whether the retailer does not obtain a lot of comments or customer comments on locked products.