What happens to your body when you stop drinking coffee

Thinking about giving up these daily joke cups from your diet? Here's what you need to know first.

For many people, coffee is a life buoy used to feed with a busy schedule and long days. In fact, about 90 percent of the Americans consume an average of 200 milligrams of caffeine per day-the equivalent Two cups of six ounces.

The research showed that the consumption of small dose coffee can haveVarious health benefitsBut again, it is considered aHighly toxicomanogenic substance. So, what happens to your body if you decide to leave your Java habit?

The answer could surprise you. Research shows your energy level and performance could actually improve ... which is, once you have done it during the withdrawal period (if you meet one).

Here is a ventilation complete exactly what you can expect to get to you and your body if / when you decide to stop drinking coffee.


You may encounter less anxiety.

woman less anxiety

Do you ever feel a wave of anxiety after drinking coffee? Caffeine can be the culprit. The search for theCenter for Psychology of Labor and Health found that it can take as little as 150 milligrams of caffeine (a small cup of coffee) to induce anxiety in some people.

According to the National Information Center on Biotechnology, caffeine can cause symptoms related to anxiety such asfast heartbeat, panting breathing, and panic. If you are subject to panic attacks, light or serious anxiety, or who have antecedents of anxiety symptoms, you can be particularly vulnerable toAdverse effects of caffeine.

Caffeine is composed of a group of chemicals known as methylxanthin, which have proven to stimulate theCentral nervous system and cardiac muscles. When we reduce our caffeine consumption by eliminating the coffee from our diet, we reduce these simulations and our return from the central nervous system and cardiac muscles to their rest. This is particularly useful for people who struggle with anxiety disorders and panic, because it helps them avoid fast heartbeat and other panic symptoms.


You will have more energy.

woman energized

Caffeine is one of the most used addictive substances in the world because of thestimulate energy, it offers when you need to perform tasks. Although it is known to give us energy just after having it, regular consumption over time can actually lead to moretired than usual.

Mainly, it is because coffee is used as a sparradrap for the greatest causes of fatigue.

"It's not normal for us to be so tired that we seem to be throughout the day," saysDinsdale Jade, The health coach and nutritional specialist. "When we do not have caffeine to count, we can look at our sleep, stress, hydration, nutrition and exercise to go to the bottom of what is at the origin of fatigue. »

The coffee is also known for disrupting our natural sleep habits, which makes us more tired throughout the day and leads to this next point ...


You will sleep better.

man sleeping well

You probably liveda sleepless night After drinking a cup of cold beer too late in the day, and there is an obvious reason for that.

"Caffeine alerts of the body to pump adrenaline and cortisol, keep alert and activation of the sympathetic nervous system," said Dinsdale. "Not only does it take the caffeine hours to wear out, which prevents your body from resting, but it can also affect your circadian rhythm, which causes disturbances in your sleep cycles. »

There is something that many scientists call the "Sandwich Sleep"-AKA A period of caffeine deprivation caught in sandwich between every two days of caffeine consumption. This period of caffeine deprivation is also known as sleep.

If we do not pay attention to our coffee consumption, we can change this natural pace and prevent our performance during the day. InA 2018 StudyThe majority of students who have said drinking coffee during the day were more tired the next morning than those who consume little or no caffeine. The study suggests that, although we are right at the coffee to help us work harder, it could actually have a negative impact on our energy levels.

So, while you may think of drinking coffee help you stay awake, it can actually cause you to be more tired by messing up with the quality of sleep you get. Giving it means there is a good chance that you are better snooze in the night.

RELATED:The easy guide to reduce sugar is finally here.


You can go through soft weaning symptoms.

woman headache

This can be the thing you are most afraid when it comes to kicking a habit of caffeine. And although the withdrawal of caffeine is almostguaranteed In people who regularly consume coffee, it is comforting to know that, on average, the withdrawal will not lastone to three days.

Current weaning symptoms include headaches, irritability, fatigue and stirring sometimes. Headaches and fatigue are the most common symptoms of withdrawal betweencoffee crates.

The good news? Although withdrawal symptoms can occur, a very small percentage of people report that symptoms are serious enough to interfere with their daily activities.A study of food and chemical toxicology found that only 5.5% of people who had struck their ability to caffeine reported that it was heading in their day.

So yes, you might meetsome Withdrawal symptoms If you are a heavy coffee drinker, but they probably only last a few days and will not be as intense as you might think.

Your weight would probably not change much.

scale weight loss

It is a common conviction that coffee consumption increases your metabolism and can help you lose weight. Unfortunately, studies show that there is not a big difference in metabolism betweenCoffee and non-cafes drinkers.

If you wonder if you lose or if you have weight after eliminating the coffee of your diet, it's important to ask you fortypes Coffee drinks that you consume now. Take advantage of the daily mocha milkStarbucks? Well, a big caffè mocha of Starbucks contains 360 calories, 44 grams of carbohydrates and 35 grams of sugar, so eliminating this every day could be beneficial for your health overall and could result in loss of books (as long as You do not replace it with another high calorie drink, filled with sugar). If you are a black coffee drinker however, you may not see any weight loss result.

Another thing to consider: how you manage cravings or withdrawal symptoms. If you decide to leave the coffee, it will be important to avoid filling these cravings with caffeine withOther comfortable food products in sugar.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: coffee / Energy
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