This dreaded side effects "increases", says a new study
Doctors warn that growing development means that a new response to the virus will probably be necessary.

In many ways, the last two and a half years of life under the Covid-19 pandemic have felt eternity. In any case in which we have changed our daily life inrisks we are now facing Whenever we head to the public, it may always seem that the virus is a presence that we cannot seem to tremble. But now, as many latest health precautions are lifted and public life is trying to normalize, there is evidence that new threats from Covid emerge, including a side effect that says that a new study "increases" in those which contract the disease. Read more to see what has very concerned experts for months to deal with the virus.
Read this then:Dr Fauci warns all Americans "must pay attention" now.
In the United States, covid infections are currently decreasing.

The number of cases for COVID-19 has increased and fell in time because the virus has changed to escape the defense provided by very effective vaccines and natural antibodies. The Omicron variant has been particularly difficult to manage, because research shows new sub -variants such as BA.4 or BA.5. areFour times as a resistant at the antibodies of vaccines that the BA.2 previously dominant, even while helping significantly to prevent serious illnesses and death, according to a study published in July in the journalScience.
But for the moment, figures in the United States show a downward trend. TheNational daily average for new infections fell 27% in the last two weeks to 59,602 to September 19, according to data fromThe New York Times. It also represents a serious drop in the highest of 130,729 of 130,729 views on July 12.
During an interview with CBS News'60 minutes September 18, presidentJoe Biden made an important declaration on the current state of thefight against the virus. "The pandemic is finished. We always have a problem with COVID. We are still doing a lot of work on it. But the pandemic is over," he said. "If you notice it, no one carries masks. Everyone seems to be quite good, and therefore I think it changes, and I think that [the Detroit car show resuming after three years] is a Perfect example of this one. "
However, many criticisms have postponed the president's assessmentThe virus is currently under control. And now new research shows that the microscopic enemy could present a new challenge.
A new study shows that a major side effect "increases" in patients in recent times.

A new study by researchers from the University of the City of New York (Cuny) published on September 6, which has not yet been evaluated by peers, carried outA survey of 3,042 adults In the United States, between June 30 and July 2, 2022 on COVVI-19 tests, the results, their symptoms and their experiences with persistent symptoms after contracting the virus. The data collected revealed that 21% of respondents saidlong From four weeks after their initial infection, according to the daily beast.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
The number represents an increase compared to the 19% of patients who reported thePersistent cocovide side effect In June, according to the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And researchers say that change indicates condition as an increasing problem.
"Despite an increased level of protection against the long coconut against vaccination, the total number of people with very caps in the United States may increase", "Denis Nash, PHD, epidemiologist and principal author of Cuny Study, told Daily Beast, adding that more people report prolonged side effects every day than what would recover.
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Long Covid has become a debilitating question for many of those who suffer from it.

The new coronavirus turned out to be a great enemy in many ways, including how difficult it was to fully understand the pathogen and its effects. Now years to study it, our knowledge of Long Cavid is just starting to concentrate. According to the CDC, the condition causes "a wide range of symptoms that can last more than four weeks or even months after infection", adding that "sometimes symptoms can even disappear or come back". They understand everything, from fatigue, fever and general discomfort to serious respiratory and heart problems, neurological symptoms such as "brain fog", digestive problems and other diseases.
Some whodevelop long -standing symptoms Let's say that this radically affects their lives. "I am desperate to go back to work, but I still cannot work at an office or speak for more than 20 to 30 minutes without having to rest for hours at a time,"Charlie McCone, a 32 -year -old San Francisco resident, who was infected for the first time by COVID in March 2020, told Yahoo Finance. "I have the impression that people read things like that long simulating patients and I think it is an exaggeration, but I want this to be the case."
New research shows that it is far from an isolated incident. A new report by the Brooker Institution said that as much as4 million individuals with a long cot lack of work because of the condition.
"I really miss simple things - go in the park, be able to breathe normally, chat with friends, listen to music, have a coffee," McCone told Yahoo Finance. "Give me back, and I would be honestly ok to live my life half what it was."
Researchers say their results suggest that more attention should be paid to long treatment.

Fortunately, the past few weeks have shown that there had been some positive developments in the fight against COVID, in particular with regard to the serious results of the virus. For example, cases ofIntensive care patients with COVID in the United StatesThe Washington Post. And the average of the national daily daily death of the disease fell to 403 after exceeding 3,300 in January 2021.
Of course, more work should be done to further reduce drastic results. But according to researchers from the Cuny study, the objective of the medical community must also move to include the growing problem. "I think it is long time to focus on a long coide in addition to preventing hospitalizations and deaths," Nash told Daily Beast. "Exclusively focusing on these results could undoubtedly worsen the long cocovated situation, because there is a substantial quantity of very long in people who have only had light or less serious Sar-Cov-2 infections."

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