If you do this at night, your risk of cancer soar, new research reveals

This night red flag could cause serious health problems.

Obtain aGood night of rest is often easier to say than to do. If you can relate, you can be among theA third of American adults Who do not get the recommended quantity of uninterrupted sleep they need to protect their health. And while an occasional night of bad sleep can simply leave you tired and irritable the next day, regularly miss quality sleep can haveserious health repercussions. The frightening part is that you may not even realize that your sleep is suffering, allowing the underlying health conditions to develop over time. A new study highlights a night habit that can cause yourRisk of cancer To shoot. Read the rest to find out more about this common sleep behavior and what if you have trouble with it.

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Early cancer alert signs can be subtle.

Woman Feeling Fatigued
Komootp / Shutterstock

The first signs of cancer are often subtle and difficult to detect.Early symptoms of cancer that you should not ignore Include involuntary weight loss, fatigue, fever and unexplained pain. If you experience it, make an appointment with your health care provider as soon as possible.Cancer.gov/…Cancer/caux-Prevention/risk

Numerous lifestyle, environmental factors and underlying health problems can increase your risk of cancer.These include Obesity, cardiometabolic diseases, tobacco consumption, alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet and lack of exercise, reports the National Cancer Institute. mostCommon cancer types To monitor the breast, lung, prostate, colon and skin cancer.

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People who do this during sleep run an increased risk of cancer.

Man Snoring in Bed
Chameleonede / Shutterstock

If you are a snorer, you are at aIncreased risk of cancer, said a new study presented in September 2022 at the International Congress of the European Respiratory Society (ERS) in Barcelona, ​​Spain. Snoring is a frequent symptom ofObstructive sleep apnea (OSA)- A current condition in which your breathing stops and begins several times during sleep. This prevents your body from obtaining enough oxygen and increases your risk of several health complications, including cancer,heart failure, blood clots, andcognitive decline.

"It is already known that patients with obstructive sleep apnea present an increased risk of cancer, but it has not been clear if this is due to AOS itself or related risk factors, as obesity, cardiometabolic diseases and lifestyle factors, "saidAndreas Palm, MD, one of the study researchers and principal consultant at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, in a press release. "Our results show that oxygen deprivation due to AOS is independently associated with cancer."

Lack of oxygen to your brain is associated with cancer.

Doctor for Sleep Apnea Treatment
JPC-Prod / Shutterstock

In the study, the researchers examined the data of 62,811 patients in Sweden during the five years before starting the processing of AOS. For several years, participants received treatment at AOS via continuous positive pressure (CPAP). This device offers air pressure through a mask to keep your passages open respiratory tract during sleep. The results concluded that participants with AOS had a high risk of certain types of cancer.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Among the study participants, 2,093 who had AOS and a cancer diagnosis were associated with a control group of 2,093 patients who also had a AOS but were without cancer. The researchers measured the severity of the OSA using the hypopnea apnea index (AHI), a scale that measures the number of respiratory disorders during sleep, or the oxygen detection index (ODI), which measures the frequency at which blood oxygen levels drop at least three percent for ten seconds or more in an hour.

"We found that cancer patients had a slightly more severe OSA," said Palm. "In a more in-depth analysis of the sub-groups, the ODI was higher in patients with lung cancer, prostate cancer and clever melanoma."

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If you snore regularly, see a doctor.

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Are you snoring at night? If this is the case, visit a doctor who can take a test to diagnose OSA. Two types of tests -night polysomnography And sleep tests at home - are used to monitor respiratory patterns, heart rate and blood oxygen levels during sleep.

Fortunately,Therapeutic and surgical treatments are available to treat AOS and reduce your risk of cancer. The most common treatment is a CPAP machine, but other therapeutic options include reception of additional oxygen and the use of oral devices that keep your throat open while you sleep. In addition, your health care provider may recommend that you adopt healthy lifestyle to treat the softer cases of AOS. These may include maintaining healthy weight, exercising regularly, avoiding alcohol and quitting smoking.

Categories: Health
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