Reason n ° 1, you should not get pets for pets

There is a major problem that you should consider before introducing one to your family.

Hamsters wereConsidered a popular pet For centuries, especially during childhood. Even if you did not have in your home, you may have had one as a pet, or you emotion the pet hamster of Bernard de Bernard de Bernard de Bernard de Bernard de BernardMalcolm in the middle. But despite their constant popularity, hamsters may not be the best choice of animals for everyone. In fact, this soft and adorable creature actually has a dark side that could make you think twice before taking one. Read the rest to discover the first reason you should not get pets for pets.

Read this then:The 7 best dogs for beginners, veterinarians say.

Hamsters have become even more popular as pet recently.

close up of child's hands holding dwarf hamster

Hamsters were already a choice of popular company when most of us grew up, but their request has soaked in recent times. Los Angeles residentSamantha Slave-Bick told Marketwatch in January thatWhen she went to get For a hamster for her 11 -year -old son in the summer of 2021, she realized that she was far from the only one. "Everyone wanted one counterpart," Slaven-Bick told News Outlet, explaining that she had to visit four domestic animals to find hamsters in stock.

This increased demand for hamsters complies with the recent growing popularity of small animals and pets. A survey by the American Pet Products Association (APP) revealed that 6.2 million households haveAt least a small animal As a pet in 2021 - which was up compared to 2019 by 800,000 households. According to the association, 27% of these 6.2 million households have a hamster, which is equivalent to around 1.5 million American houses with this small rodent as a pet, by Marketwatch.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

They are often considered as small maintenance pets adapted to children.

Lovely boy and his father playing with a their new pet hamster.

Many families consider hamsters as a good starting pet for their children before engaging with a dog or a cat. They are often considered inexpensive, inexpensive and not dangerous.Jennifer Shepherd, DVM, veterinarian and owner ofCloquet animal hospital In northern Minnesota, explained the popularity of hamsters as pets for children in his column "Ask Dr. Jenn" with Pet Ensures.

"The hamsters are adorable with their soft haircuts, their big teeth and their big swollen cheeks. The teddy bear hamsters are particularly popular with children, because as their name suggests, they look like teddy bears Miniatures, "she wrote. "They seem easy to keep and quite low. At home."

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But there is a problem that can make hamsters and not the best choice of pets.

hamster sitting in cage

Despite their popularity with families, Shepherd explained that she "does not recommend hamsters as a pet for young children". One of his main reasons? They "are known to bite," she wrote.

Daniel Jackson, aAnimal behavior specialist And the CEO of Pet Lover Guy, saysBetter life This is something that many people do not realize before deciding to go ahead and get a hamster.

"It is easy to forget that hamsters are rodents and just like other rodents, they like to bite. It is in their nature and is actually healthy for them to do it," explains Jackson. As for the worried, this is a major reason why "hamsters are not good pets for children, whatever the popular belief".

Their bad eyesight makes them more likely to bite.

Small domestic hamster on hand. Djungarian Dwarf hamster. Play with little pet hamster on a wood stump. Rodent

Hamsters tends to rely on the smell and taste to find their way because they have a bad view, according to Jackson. So if you or your child put your hand in his cage, he is likely to bite you. "It most likely hurts because of their sharp teeth," warns Jackson. And once they have bitten, they are not likely to let go - which can let you "bleed and shout with pain", according to Shepherd.

"Hamsters are known to bite when they are disturbed or surprised," said Shepherd also. These creatures are in fact nocturnal, so they are often surprised by their sleep in the middle of the day, which consists of negative consequences. "Children are often delighted to play with their new hamster and show it to their friends after school, but it's a first -rate sleep time, and your little hamster will not hesitate to be content with a Finger with her little sophisticated teeth when he is awake, "she added.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / News / Pets
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