The former co-host of "The View" says that his cardiologist told him to leave the show

She was warned that it caused him a dangerous amount of stress.

Whoever saw the show knows that being onView is not a walk in the park. His hosts frequently enter animated arguments on politics and social subjects for all their viewers. And, since the dawn of social media, they have also been criticized for these online arguments. Manyformer hosts ofView explained how high the work can be, and an ex-host even says that he was told to leave the series by his doctor. According to her, the cardiologist could see evidence of a potential medical problem via his television screen. Read on to find out more.

Read this then:Joy Behar says that one thing prevented him from getting firedView.

Rosie O'Donnell joinedViewin 2006.

Barbara Walters and Rosie O'Donnell at the 2006 Daytime Emmy Awards
S_BUKLEY / Shutterstock

Rosie O'Donnell certainly made an impression as a host ofView, but she was actually only on the show for a relatively short time. She joined the series in 2006 and stayed over a season. Then, in 2014, she joined the show, but she left before the end of this season.

In a new interview withThe New Yorker, O'Donnell explained thatWe asked him to joinView After the creator of the original series and co-hostBarbara Walters Given his documentaryFirst of all! Rosie family cruise.

"I had made a documentary withSheila Nevins About the cruise [Gay-Family] that [ex-wife]Kelli [Carpenter] And I did it, and Barbara came to see him, "said O'Donnell." She said [Put a Barbara Walters accent], "Rosie, would you never want to be a panelist onView? And I said: "With you, Barbara, of course, I would" and the rest is in history. ""

O'Donnell says his doctor warned herViewwas not good for his health.

Rosie O'Donnell hosting
The view / youtube

O'Donnell saidThe New Yorker that the second time she has goneView, it was - in part - because his cardiologist suggested it.

"And then I did it again, and I had to leave because it was too difficult to do in the times we were and with the resistance that I obtained the second time," O'Donnell told O'Donnell About his second race in the talk show. "I don't know. My heart doctor said," I look at you, and they have a close -up of you, and I can see your carotid artery. "And I had a fifty heart attack, so this doctor was, like" do you think you need this stress? I mean, do you need money? "I was, like:" No, I don't do it. ""

It was only a few years laterO'Donnell's 2012 heart attack.

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She was also going through personal problems at the time.

Rosie O'Donnell at the opening night of
Debby Wong / Shutterstock

When O'Donnell left the show, his representativepublished a statement This shared details on the problems she needed to solve her personal life. At the time, she had recently separated from her wifeRounds Michelle.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"She focuses on her children now. This is the right thing to do," said the representative of O'DonnellPeople. "The stress of a live daily talk show is a lot - and separation is a lot, and you reach a certain point where you must first put health and the family, and she did it. She had it. An awakening in 2012, near the deadly heart attack, and his doctors said to him: "You must take care of you, you have five children". Relive her heart attack when it was going through the process of publishing his Cardiac documentary [HBO] made him think. "

In addition, there was a tension with a co-host.

Rosie O'Donnell and Whoopi Goldberg at opening night of Green Day's
Ryan McCune / Patrick McMullan via Getty Images

At the time when O'Donnell leftViewFor good in 2015, there were rumors that she left the show becauseShe didn't get along withWhoopi Goldberg. Although this does not seem that it was not the main reason for his departure, O'Donnell opened his doors so as not to get along with his co-host.

"Whoopi really didn't love me," said O'DonnellHoward stern In 2020. She said that Goldberg was angry with her from the first day, because she launched advertising when it was supposed to be Goldberg's work. O'Donnell also felt that thePhantom The actor was deliberately rude with her.

"She was nasty with me on live television," O'Donnell told Stern. "When people say:" Well, what happened ", I say:" go back and look [the episodes]. "It's not like a mystery, look at the way it happened."

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