5 red flags which signal co -depence, according to therapists
It is important to feel whole with or without your partner.

There are so many ways of relationshipcan become derailed: cheating, lack of confidence and loss of passion, to name only a few. But a less blatant problem is codependence - a dynamic where one or both partners depend on the other. Codependance is defined by bad limits and can cause dissatisfaction, even if things seem pink outside. However, this model can be identified and corrected - if you know the signs. Read the continuation to hear therapists on the red flags which signal the co -depence in a relationship. If you notice them, you may want to solve the problem in couples or individual therapy as soon as possible.
Read this then:5 flag -like red relations that everyone is missing, experts warn.
1 A person is always the center of attention.

A major red flag of co -depence is that the emotional needs of one person regularly require more attention than that of the other. "In healthy relationships, there is a balance between giving and taking," saysKara Nassour, a professional advisor approved atCounseling with a shaded branch. "There may be days when a person is the center of attention or support, but they will give this to his partner sometimes too. In a co -depending relationship, the person who is the center of attention and support is almost always in this role. " In return, the person whogiving This attention and support do not meet their needs.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
2 You become anxious when your partner is gone.

In healthy relationships, each person should be able to take care of the occupation when the other is absent, whether for a few hours or a few days. If anxiety sets up, it could be a sign of co -country. "Symptoms of anxiety may include difficulties in sleeping, overeating, an overput of technology and screens, the consumption of substances or other behaviors that distract someone from their feelings or provide superficial relief," explainsDavid Helfand, Psyd, aapproved psychologist Specialized in couples therapy. "If you feel anxious when your partner is absent, it could be a sign that you depend on them for your well-being."
A certain anxiety is fine, he notes. "Maybe your partner visits his distant parent and you feel empathy," said Helfand. "It is normal to have a slightly anxious reaction, in this case." However, you should be able to self-pay within a reasonable time. If you cannot, you can depend on your partner for this calming effect.
Read this then:5 signs that your partner does not trust you, according to the therapists.
3 You do everything together.

Speating every second together is the opposite of healthy. "A very easily neglected red flag that someone in the relationship is co -decade for is if it does everything together," saysDesiree Taranto, LMHC, an approved therapist withGo to your mental therapy At New York. "Their interests are starting to dress, and it's almost as if they became one person."
It is important to mix your life in a key way, but your partner should not become your whole life. "You should not lose friends, ignore the family or not do the things that interest you before the relationship." Explains Taranto. Attach this border early to avoid getting lost in the partnership.
4 You find it hard to communicate honestly.

A real communication is essential in any relationship. "Codependants are often afraid of sharing their real feelings and thoughts, especially if they have the impression of being judged or rejected by the other," saidColleen Wenner, LMHC, therapist atNew counseling and advice. "This can lead to an unhealthy dynamic where the two partners are constantly trying to please themselves and unable to express themselves honestly." This lack of communication could lead to the inability to meet the needs and desires of each. The co -dependent person could also be forced to transform into what the other wants the other. "It only makes things get worse," adds Wenner.
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5 Breaking is your worst fear.

No matter how good it is, your relationship should not be your only priority in life. "If a person expresses that the relationship is everything and they need it to survive, it's a huge red flag," said Taranto. "It is a sign of codependence because the person who expresses it most likely lacks self -esteem and uses their relationship as a means of feeling whole." As Taranto notes, you should access each whole whole partnership.
"Another way that it shows co -depence is that if the other person in the relationship is aware of the partner's feelings co -depress, it can make the relationship feel like a burden," adds Taranto. "It may seem very heavy, and this person can live in the fear of breaking with the other person, not knowing what they would do if the relationship ends."

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