How to understand in the early stages of relations that the guy is a tyrant: 6 alarming bells

It seems to you that your new familiar fairy prince. Attentive, generous, gallant - in general, an ideal man?

It seems to you that your new familiar fairy prince. Attentive, generous, gallant - in general, an ideal man. Behind the romantic flaler, you can not recognize “alarming bells”, signaling that this person is a liar who can easily turn your life into hell. How to recognize a dangerous tyrant in the early stages of relations?

1. It is too perfect

He is the very embodiment of perfection: heals with gifts, constantly makes compliments, pays bills in restaurants and opens the car door in front of you. However, an insidious tyrant may be hidden behind the facade of the fairy prince. It is especially necessary to be wary if the man always decides where you will go and how you will spend your free time. Do not flatter yourself if he frankly idealizes you and ascends to the pedestal of greatness. Give the future dictator exceptionally perfect girls, but subsequently, he will necessarily be disappointed in you. And his criticism will be merciless.

2. He force events

Today you met, and a week later he invited you to live together. The fact is that a potential abuser needs to take possession of a woman as quickly as possible. If you are not satisfied with such a development of events, feel free to tell a man about this. A person with an adequate psyche will understand and reduce the pressure. The veiled tyrant will begin to convince you, or even disappear from your life to look for a more flexible sacrifice.

3. He is a pathological jealous

Jealousy can be pleasant, but when there is too much of it - this is another disturbing call. A pathological jealous will lose his temper with a stranger’s fleeting gaze at you. At such moments, a man can fall to gross insults, depreciation and even assault. So be afraid of jealous! If your partner is not aware of his problem and is in no hurry to resolve it, feel free to part with him.

4. He ex leaks the stick in his care

At first, his hypersabot is a little tiring, but it seems very sweet. He always asks how you feel how you got home and with whom you spend time. Be sure, over time, his phrase "How are you not at home yet?" It will turn into "Enough to hang around at night. I'll come home - I'll kill! " It is one thing when you really need help and advice. And quite another-some fuel parent care.

5. He criticizes your friends

The home tyrant will definitely try to quarrel with friends and friends to isolate you from the environment and thus focus all your attention on yourself to your beloved. In case of victory, you will not even have a chance to escape from its territory. Believe me, if he manages to deprive you of close friends, your work will be the next point.

6. All his former - mercantile bitch

What does he say about the former? If all of them are completely unworthy women, you have a real abuse. Of course, he can fill in for hours that you are his ideal and not the same as everyone else. In essence, it is a deception and a smoke curtain. As soon as you stumble and lead yourself as he planned, you will immediately learn a lot of unpleasant about yourself.

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