I was "California Sober" for a month - here is what happened
Abandoning alcohol does not mean staying completely sober.

Throughout last month, a post-it note was stuck inside my front door, where I would be sure to see it before going out. I wrote it as a reminder that I did not drink alcohol. "Dry August - You have that!" He said, to the great fun of my daughters. "Hey mom, you have that!" They make fun of me on any occasion, the two dissolving themselves in laughter. I took it in the process, because anyone with adolescents probably learned to do so. But, the fact thatI was often high Made much easier to raise the shoulders of their teasing.
It's true: I gave up drinking for a month, but I was not sober. I was rather "California Sober". It meant that I was free to indulge in as much cannabis (alias marijuana) as I wanted. Read the rest to discover what happened when I became sober - sober California.
Read this then:The CDC and the FDA have just published a warning on this kind of marijuana.
Drinking alcohol has serious disadvantages of health.

The minute of spring breezes melted in the heat of the summer this year, it was on: I was determined to have my own hot personal daughter. June was only half finished - he was not even officially even in summer - when I spent a wild night with friends who started with shots and I ended with me Making an ankle dancing in a club. The next day, while I was lying on the sofa with my high swollen foot, I started to thinkHow much I was drinking, and if perhaps, now that I am in mid-quarter, I should consider slowing down.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
As a health publisher, I know themany studies which highlight the potential dangers of alcohol consumption. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) list the increased chances of breast cancer (as well as several other cancers), high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, a weakened immune system and dementia like some of thelong -term health risks alcohol consumption. And if I needed another reason to stop, the fact that a couple of my favorite sun dresses felt a little tight was an additional incentive. Alcohol is rich in calories, and whenever I stopped drinking for a while, I lost weight.
Read this then:Drinking one of this popular drink hurts your heart, discovers a new study.
Marijuana is becoming more and more common every day.

At the time I was at university, I was what you could call a huge nerd. During the holidays, people disappeared and I wondered where they had left, to discover later that they smoked grass in another room. "Don't tell Elizabeth, she won't approve," I imagined them when I whispered. And they were right - I was a great rules of rules, and the message "Just Non" from Nancy Reagan made me a big impression at a young age.
These days, however, marijuana has become common. CurrentlyLegal in 19 states In addition to Washington, D.C., the use of recreational weeds is no longer something to sneak. Therefore, I am much less a Nerd than I was in the past (at least when it comes to becoming high).
Lynn Parodneck, MD, medical correspondent forStands, emphasizes the security of marijuana, in particular compared to alcohol. "Cannabis is plant-based medicine, which means that it has no calories and that humans cannot overdose," she told me. "Unlike alcohol, which accelerates aging anddamage the liver With excessive use, there is no evidence that cannabis causes damage to organs in adults (over 25 years). ""
Using marijuana does not have to smoke.

I don't like to smoke - I am one of those people who cannot stop coughing after someone spends a joint (I will always be a Nerd in this way, I suppose). Fortunately, many other options exist for those of us with sensitive lungs. Fortunately, Tribetokes sent me part of theirDelta 8 gummer bear To try during the summer. "Consumers must be aware of the quality of cannabis products they use and try to keep the amount as low as possible," said Parodneck. "The products should be translated as as organic as possible, as well as without pesticides and without mold, and being verified by a laboratory. Tribotokes is a company that corresponds to this high quality model."
A Saturday evening when I had nothing else at my agenda (listen, Hot Girl Summer becomes exhausting at the mature age), I burst into my hiding place. About an hour after taking advantage of a delicious sweet gum bear, I danted in my kitchen while singing with indigo girls at the top of my lungs, not a treatment in the world. (That my daughters were not at home to witness, it was another luck.))
Soon, I gave myself to a gum every night after work, and several on weekends. During a trip to the north of the state with friends, I went up in the edible products backwards and laughing like a maniac, their great fun (at least I hope). And when I dropped my youngest daughter to the Massachusetts camp, where recreational marijuana is legal (it is not yet, in New York), I made a stop at the stand in a local dispensary and storage.
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"California Sober" can mean a few different things.

If you have never heard the term "California Sober", you are not alone. Several people, when I told them what I was doing, were not familiar. And it is understandable, especially since people use the sentence in different ways. According to the Cleveland Clinic, for some, being sober California simply meansReduce alcohol, or abstain from a vice while kissing another. AsAkhil Anand, MD, told the site: "The term is ambiguous and in a way an improper term. After all, you are not sober if you always use substances altering the mind."
Quite fair! And here is where I will admit that I made a few exceptions to my dry sobriety of August / California: once when I was at an appointment and I could not resist commanding a spicy Margarita (D 'OK,of them Spicy Margaritas), and another time the last night of vacation when we all went out for a fantasy dinner. (Again, a spicy Margarita was my fall.) Other than that, I held my promise for me - and above all, I didn't even miss alcohol.
My month of being California sober has made some changes.

Getting high instead of drunkenness did not go completely well. I started to havemore frequent migraines, and even if I cannot say that edible products were to blame, I could not help notify the correlation. (Rub the migrastil migraine stickon my temples seemed to help, withTo drink a lot of water And sleeping more.) And despite occasional attacks of the cravings, I dropped several pounds without trying, thanks to cutting these calories of summer cocktails.
In general, however, I feel calmer than I did a month ago. I am a notoriously nervous driver, but during a recent road trip, I realized that I was not ringing the steering wheel as usual, even when the swarm of traffic returning to New York was the shoulder. When I am not high - which, to be clear, is most of the time - I always feel a feeling of peace that I did not have before, almost as if my brain was trained to relax.
Here is what you need to know about being "sober Californian".

Are you planning to try a month - or more - of California's sobriety yourself? Parodneck warns that people should "check with their doctor to see if their existing drugs contradict the consumption of cannabis" and warns that pregnant or breastfeeding women should abstain completely from marijuana and alcohol.
It is also possible to have too many good things: "Cannabis consumers may need to take a break to reset their receivers if their consumption becomes" too "", says Parodneck. "People will develop tolerance for long -term cannabis consumption. The best way to reduce the contribution would be to take a break. After a month, they can return to the use of cannabis, but should keep the mind their dosage models. "
As summer ends, I will probably relax my period and have a glass of wine from time to time. I also plan to go easily on the ranges a little, as recommends by Parodneck. I am happy to have tried my sober experience in California, however, and not only because my jeans adapts better, just in time for the fall. (Hot girl fall, here I come…)

The CDC says if you are this age, you are now more likely to catch Covid