This new COVID defense is "more efficient" than your mask, called scientist

The counter drug will provide powerful and affordable-coronavirus protection.

While several biotechnology companies are developing to developAn effective coronavirus vaccineOther experts explore alternative protection methods that could constitute an intermediate defense against COVID-19. We know that things likeWear masks and social distancing Can help reduce coronavirus propagation, but a group of scientists from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), say they have developed a product that will offer even better protection against the disease than face coatings and Other portable forms of individual protection. Equipment (EPP):A nasal spray that administers powerful antiviral molecules.

The researchers say that the product that has named Aeronabs-is a daily self-administered spray that provides a specific molecule shown as one of the most powerful antivirals of Covid-19 that scientists have discovered, however, according toA new study currently available in pre-imprint on biorxiv. It should be noted that the study is still in the peer review certification process. However, Aeronabs developers are confident of the product's ability to impact the coronavirus effort.

"Much more effective than the portable forms of personal protective equipment, we think of Aeronabs as a molecular form of PPE that can serve as a major stopper until vaccines offer a more permanent solution to Covid-19", " Co-inventor aeronabsPeter Walter, PhD, professor of biochemistry and biophysics at UCSF and an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, said inDeclaration published by UCSF.


Scientists behind Aeronabs say they were inspired by nanobodies, which are proteins similar to antibodieswho were discovered in Llamas, camels and other similar species in Belgium in the 1980s.

"Although they work a lot like antibodies found in the human immune system, nanobodies offer a number of unique benefits for effective therapeutics against SAR-COV-2", "Co-inventor AeronabsManglik Aashish, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at UCSF, said in the Declaration. And through a wide range of experiments, Manglik, Walter and their colleagues have merged three "mutated nanobodies" extremely powerful to create a fully synthetic aerosol formula easy to self-administration via an inhaler or a nasal spray. The results? "On the tables", according to Walter. "It was so effective that he exceeded our ability to measure his power."

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Aeronabs still have additional clinical tests and human tests, but developers say they are already in talks with a number of potential business partners to speed up this process and get the product on shelves such as an inexpensive medicine and too much expensive.

"We are not alone in thinking that Aeronabs are a remarkable technology," said Mangglik in the UCSF statement. "Our team participates in ongoing discussions with potential business partners interested in the manufacture and distribution of Aeronabs, and we hope to start human tests soon. If Aeronabs is as effective as we plan, they can help reshape The course of the pandemic around the world. "

Aeronabs is another example of alternative methods to contain Covid-19 some scientists are trying to push at the tip of the national conversation on how to rotate our reply to the virus. More recently,Michael Mina, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Faculty Member of the Communicable Disease Dynamics Center at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, spoke to the press on howCheap daily paper test bands could "change the path" of the pandemic. And for more than what could already provide you with coronavirus protection,Dr. Fuci says it can already keep you safe from Covid.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus
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