These department stores are closing, from September 6

These channels are written more next month.

In the past two years, the cocovated pandemic and record inflation have taken a mountain of financial pressureon retailers at all levels. The department stores, however, had already had trouble - so new challenges ended up the final nail in the coffin for some. The oldest American store Lord & Taylor and the Stein Mart discount department were forced to close all their stores in 2020, and they are not alone. Other beloved channels such as JCPENNEY and Dillard have also reduced their detailed footprints. Now the locations disappear. Read more to find out which popular closure stores from next month.

Read this then:This popular retail chain closes all its stores on September 30.

Major stores have struggled to remain relevant to buyers.

Macy's department store interior, bags and accessories area on September 10, 2016 in New York. Macy is the largest U.S. department store company.

The fall of the traditional departmental store was slow but significant. AccordingThe Washington Post, around 40% ofAll department stores In the United States, has closed since 2016. While these commercial spaces once offered amenities to buyers,Mark Cohen, Director of retail studies at the Columbia Business School and former Managing Director of Sears Canada, told the newspaper that they are now simply too crushing for buyers who can easily find convenience elsewhere.

"There is nothing of department stores to make itself particularly relevant in the 21st century, and the pandemic only clearly made the case," said Cohen. "They have too many stores, too much, too many brands. The customer who was handcuffed to his local department store is no longer attached because they have an online alternative which is even more attractive last year."

The Commercial real estate company Green Street predicted that at least 800 other department stores should be closed by the end of 2025, according toThe Washington Post. Now, at least two retailers contribute to this projection.

Two different companies close stores.

A store closing sign on a grocery store that is closing because on corporate mismanagement

Bloomingdale and Sears soon add locations to the department store cemetery. Bloomingdale in Skokie, Illinois,will start to close On September 6, CBS News reported. According to the media, the company has announced that it would start permission to the place that day and expect to be completely helpless by October.

In Wisconsin, a store in the hometown of Sears in Cudahy isPreparing to be closed Soon, theMilwaukee Journal Sentinel Report on August 25. The location already has yellow panels indicating a "closing event in store" and announcing various markings, according to the newspaper. An employee of the store said that the markings were "quite aggressive", but revealed that they had not yet been informed of a specific date for the closure.

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But Bloomingdale are replaced by a new store concept.

Manhattan, New York. October 08, 2020. Bloomingdale's department store at Lexington avenue on the upper east side.

The hometown of Sears in Cudahy closes only a year after its opening at the end of 2021, and the city officials declared to theMilwaukee Journal Sentinelthat they do not yet know the sale of the building. The closure of Bloomingdale in Skokie, on the other hand, is actually part of a wider plan for the companyOpen a smaller format store in the same shopping center. According toChicago Sun-Totes, the 200,000 square foot bloomingdale in the Westfield Old Orchard Mall disappears in place of a new 50,000 square foot store called Bloombie's.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"The new concept remains authentic at the Bloomingdale brand, but the reinterprets on a smaller scale which is imbued with energy and mature for discovery", "Charles Anderson, said the director of the company's stores, to the newspaper. Another spokesperson for the company said that the location of Blome would take control of an old Barnes & Noble area in the shopping center, probably in November.

Macy's has experienced smaller store formats since 2020.

Vero Beach, Florida; USA; June 23, 2019. Macy's store logo is pictured on the outside of the store a long with tall palm trees on a sunny day in Florida. Front view.

Bloomingdale's belongs to Macy's, Inc., which also operates its homonymous brand of the department store and the Bluemercury beauty store chain. In 2020, Macy's began to experimentSmaller store formats. Until now, the company has opened fiveMacy store market, that he describes as "everything you like at Macy, but in a small store".

Then in 2021, the company announced that it would open its First Bloombie's Store in Fairfax, Virginia, according to CNBC. Bloombie's opening in Skokie will be the second store under the new concept. "Over time, we will see these large department store spaces redeveloping for small users", " Len Becker , the director of economic development of Skokie, told the Chicago Sun-Totes.

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