The 5 most reliable personality types in Myers-Briggs, say the experts

You can count on them to keep your secrets under lock and key.

We were all burned in a situation where we shared information with someone - on ourselves or for others - and this dirty laundry had been broadcast. Confidence can be quickly broken, which makes friends and reliable partners even more precious. It's not just a question of secrets either.Trustworthy people Stay in their words and will not leave you suspended if you need help with a move or stay stuck with a flat tire. It turns out that this trait may have a lot to do with their individual type of personality.

According to the Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI), people can be classified as one of the 16 "personality types", according to our different tastes and aversions, how we make decisions and how we look at the world. The auto -declared questionnaire determines whether you look more at extraversion (e) or introversion (i); Whether you are more detected or intuitive when you take information; Whether you think more (t) or you feel (f) when you make decisions; And whether you judge more (J) or that you perceive (p) with regard to the world around you. According to your answers, your personality type is identified by an acronym of four letters that can tell you the same on yourself.

Although this is not a perfect science, experts say that certain personality types tend to be more reliable than others. Read the rest to find out which Myers-Briggs types are the most likely to keep your secrets safe.

Read this then:The 6 most romantic personality types of Myers-Briggs.


trustworthy relationship
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People who identify with ISFJ personality type are probably people you can confide in. ISFJ are dedicated and reliable people, and according toJoseph Puglisi, CEO ofEmblematic meetings, their introverted nature, detecting and feeling nature "in fact very good friends and partners".

Nina Nguyen, sex educator, LGBTQ + expert and co -founder of GermanLGBTQ + platform, add that the ISFJ are also without judgment, which can make you even more inclined to entrust. "The ISFJ type is a good friend and / or partner who is more flexible than the others in their legal system, so they are the best to keep secrets without judging you too much and even empathizing with you," she saysBetter life.

And their desire to take care and protect others is not limited to your secrets, explains Puglisi. "They also protect their loved ones and can do everything right to protect them," he adds. "They are not only good at taking care of individuals, but they also deal with everything they seem to manage, whether values, communities, positive traditions or even nature itself."


fist bump trust
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Extraverters, detected, feelings and judgments will also keep your secrets safe, according to experts. "The ESFJs are also known as caregivers; they tend to be extroverted, outgoing, loyal, tender and organized," explains Puglisi, adding that these individuals will go a lot of harm "to prove their reliability to you."

They will not want to believe anything negative about their friends or partners, and they want to make sure you feel loved, he said.

Nguyen adds that the ESFJs "hold great respect for social responsibilities". "They understand how bad it seems when they break the confidence of a loved one, so they will always do their best to prove their reliability," she said.

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two friends talking trust
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Another reliable type of Myers-Briggs is ISTJ: introverted, detector, thinking and judging people have a faithful and protective nature that applies to all aspects of their relationships. Puglisi stresses that they are often cited as the most reliable personality type, because they "honor their words and their commitment before".

"If you tell a STIJ to do something, you can trust them the blind he will do it,"Shazmin Rafaqat, MRS,Psychologist at Masood Lahore Hospital In Punjab, Pakistan, saysBetter life. "They honor their speech and their commitments above all. If a person of ISTJ personality type is determined to be your friend, or if you give them work at hand, they will honor your word above all and do the job . "

AccordingArthur Worsley, founder ofThe art of living, ISTJS also firmly hold their beliefs in logic, law and tradition. "Consequently, after these forces, they are very reliable, loyal and trustworthy," explains Worsley, who also holds a diploma in psychology. "You can be assured that they can keep secrets and will not betray the confidence you have given them."


woman comforting husband reliable
Dragana Gordic / Shutterstock

Like the STIJ, those who are introverted, intuitive, thoughtful and judgments are also on the list of the most reliable, according toKetan Parmar, MD, DPM, MBBS, Amental health expert at clinicspots.

"Although the type of intj personality is known to be very intelligent, they also get high reliability, probably because they are sufficiently aware of self -confident to recognize the importance of confidence in human relationships," explains Parmar. "Intj focus on what they say will do, and they expect others to do the same."

Intj are one ofrarest personalities, Make up just2.1% People in the United States, according to the Career Center of Ball State University. If you have an intj in your life, you must appreciate their friendship or their partnership, and believe that they will have their back if you have theirs.

Read this then:The best type Myers-Briggs to marry, say the experts.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB


woman giving husband opinion
Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock

The extroverted, detected, thoughts and judge types are great confidants, but they will not remember when they respond to the information you give them. AccordingJanet Coleman,,health expert From the consumption of non-Trespeuses, these faithful and trustworthy types avoid beating around the bush.

"They tend to be frank and do things, which can sometimes be rude or insensitive sometimes," explains Coleman. "However, ESTJ just try to keep things simple by wasting time with unnecessary words or explanations. If you notice that it is impolor or inconsidered, they could simply try to protect themselves against the wound by being Too honest with you! "

Parmar echoes this, adding that the ESTJ "prefer to focus on the facts", noting that those who are introverted, detecting, thinking and perceiving (ISTP) also see things in black and white. "When they say something, they want to say it, and they follow," he said. "They are also very independent people who do not rely on others to do their work or for approval."

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