Here are only 4 countries where life expectancy increases

Unfortunately, you will not see the United States on this list.

Bad News: Despite all the progress we have done in the last century, life expectancy really decreases in many parts of the world, even in the areas you do not expect.

Arecent study published in British medical newspaper Used aggregated data to assess the life expectancy of 18 high-income countries between 2014 and 2016 and found that 12 have declined in life expectancy among women and 11 decreases known to life expectancy at men. Countries have been evaluated included Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.

"The average decline was 0.21 for women and 0.18 years for men. In most countries who experienced a decline in life expectancy, these declines were mainly drawn by the trends of the Mortality of the elderly (≥ 65 years) and deaths related to respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, nervous system diseases and mental disorders. In the United States, life expectancy declines were more concentrated among the youngest (0 At age 65) and the overdose of drugs and other external causes of death have played important roles in driving these decreases, "read paper.

In the United States, overall life expectancy has decreased by 0.3 years, hitting the most difficult men. This means that the "United States now has the lowest level of life expectancy among high-income developed countries and Americans should evil in a wide range of ages, health conditions and death causes. to their counterparts in these countries.

The growing rate of early morality in the United States, where live expectancy is currently 78.6, has been attributed to serious influenza seasons and opioid dependence,Although the rise of suicide is also worrying.

Of the 18 countries studied, only the following four have increased life expectancy in every year for men and women, although researchers can not confirm why these countries were flourishing. And if you wonder what parts of America have told the longevity, checkThese are the American states where people live the longest.


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The average life expectancy here is now 85.46 years for women and 81.49 years for men. It should be noted that while it did not earn the price of the Crown,Several Australian cities have recently been ranked among the most lived cities in the world..


Kyoto, Japan Cleanest Cities

Several cities in Japan have also obtained better notes for privileged life in the aforementioned ranking. Here, life expectancy is now 87.17 for women and 81.01 for men.


Denmark Tourists
Shutterstock / Olekiy Brand

Life expectancy here is now 82.79 for women and 78.95 for men.


Norway Tourists, travel

Life expectancy here is now 84.17 for women and 80.61 for men. If you are looking for life tips as long as possible, check theThe best longevity secrets of the oldest people in the world.

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Categories: Health
Tags: aging / wellness
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