New York has just prohibited to buy this dessert for anyone under the age of 21

You will now need a piece of I.D. To buy the sweet treat in stores.

There are a lot of activities and products that are prohibited for anyone until they reach age in the United Statesdrive a car And you buy adrink in a bar To collect tobacco products and buy weapons, laws are in place that prohibit much younger people to get into a potentially dangerous situation. But now New York has promulgated a new law that prohibits anyone under the age of 21 in the purchase of a specific dessert product in state stores. Read the rest to see which treat is now prohibited for any minor.

Read this then:Costco is in the fire of buyers to get rid of this popular product.

This is not the first case of New York legislators limiting certain public articles.

A young woman drinking diet soda outdoors

In addition to the federal rules, the governments of states and premises have long designed their own rules with regard to restrictions on certain elements. These laws generally arise from an important public health problem. For example, in New York, aTrans prohibition In the foods that were implemented in 2007, were made national in 2018, some studies showing that it had a significantly positive effect on heart health. And in 2019, the Big Apple became one of the first placesIncrease the age limit on vaping products and other articles at 21 before becoming a federal policylater this year.

However, all product ban plans have not worked. In 2012, New York City officials proposed a ban on allSodas and sugary drinks More than 16 ounces in most establishments were strongly debated before the courts finally refused it in 2014. But now the new regulations set an age limit on an essential.

Residents of New York are now prohibited from buying this dessert if they are under 21.

woman angry with cashier

It is of public notoriety that you must have a number of birthdays to your credit to buy products. But in New York, anyone under the age of 21 is now forbidden to buyWhipped cream Stores, local reports of the NBC New York 4. The retailers are now starting to apply the law - which has entered into force in November 2021 - by forcing customers to show I.D. to buy the basic dessert food.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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The new rule aims to combat a serious growing health problem in certain communities.

In this rear view, an unrecognizable woman stands with a shopping cart in front of a shelf full of food in the bread aisle of a grocery store.

At first glance, deciding to put an age limit on a sounding of Sunday may seem confusing. However, New York legislators say they were transferred topropose and adopt legislation When it has become clear that adolescents used popular products as inhaling by breathing nitrous oxide - also known as laughing gas - used to pressurize whipped cream cartridges.

According to the Alcohol and Drug Foundation, these are also called "Whippets", "Whippets" or "Whip-Ists", which create a feeling ofEuphoria and vertigo when inhaled. But gas can also cause dizziness, perspiration, feelings of weakness or fatigue, and even fainting, loss of blood pressure, sudden death and heart attack. Long -term exposure can also lead to depression and psychosis, among other health problems.

"The need to limit access and sale of whiptits has first become obvious after receiving constituent complaints concerning empty cartridges in the streets of the neighborhood. The whipts used in our communities are not only an eye plague, but Also indicative of a nitrous oxide oxide problem, a nitrous oxide problem, "Sen. from New York StateJoseph Addabbo, Jr. said in a statement after the law was adopted in October of last year.

"Nitrous oxide is a legal chemical for legitimate professional use, but when it is poorly used, it can be extremely deadly," he explained. "Unfortunately, young people buy and inspire this gas to become" high "because they wrongly believe that it is a" safe "substance. This law will eliminate easy access to this dangerous substance for our young people."

Stores that sell whipped cream cartridges to minors will face steep fines.

Cans of Reddi Wip whipped cream on the shelf at a store

Following the new law, all New York retailers are now required to check the age of a client with I.D. whenever they buy cans of whipped cream. Any store that violates the rule will be subject to an initial fine of $ 250 and with penalties of up to $ 500 for each violation after that, according to Addabbo's declaration.

Changes could soon become much more visible for some. The price of the New York supermarket has confirmed thatSelf-Terification Kiosks In their locations, would start to report the articles for an I.D. check on September 1,Times Union reports.

According to industry leaders, more and more establishments are starting to enforce the rule after learning that the State had law. "I think there is a kind of reporting mechanism that was not done as it was supposed to do", " Kent sopris , president of the New York Association of Convenience Macs, said Times Union . "We had followed the bill last year, and when I watched the invoice follow -up file, nothing indicates that it was signed."

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