The star of "Gilmore Girls" calls the "most disturbing" scene of the show: "It's disgusting"

Scott Patterson, who played Luke, did not approve a moment of season 3.

DuringGilmore Girls"Seven season, there have been countless times when Lorelai Gilmore (Lauren Graham) and Luke Danes (Scott Patterson) had impertinent or sarcastic exchanges - often becauseThey were flirting And generally because Lorelai gave Luke with a hard time. According to Patterson, however, one of these moments went too far to the point that he found it "exasperating" and "disturbing".

Patterson spoke of the stage on hisGilmore Girls podcast, I am absolutely with Scott Patterson, who documents him by watching all the episodes for the first time, then chatting with his co-animators. It was during his summary of the episode of season 3 "Keg! Max!" That the actor opened on a scene that upset him at the time - and still disturbs him today. Read the rest to know why Patterson estimated that a moment was "disgusting".

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The scene in question focuses on Luke's body.

Scott Patterson on
Warner Bros. television distribution.

On the podcast, Patterson and his co-animators discussed a scene in which Lorelai and Sookie (Melissa McCarthy) Make comments on Luke's buttocks.

"It was disturbing," said Patterson. "I realized that it was not ok, and it didn't make me feel comfortable at all. It made me feel really embarrassed, in fact."

He continued: "It is exasperating to be treated this way. It is exasperating, because you are treated as an object. It is disturbing and it is disgusting. And I had to endure this throughout all This scene and a lot of catches. It was all the ass, the ass, the ass, the ass. When we did not turn, we were sitting, people always talked about the buttocks, buttocks, buttocks. was the most disturbing moment that I never spent on it, and I couldn't wait until this day was finished. "

He added: "It is as disgusting that women objective to men as for men to objectify women, and it is as harmful."

There are several mentions of the character behind.

Lauren Graham on
Warner Bros. television distribution.

In the scene, Luke's buttocks are mentioned when Sookie tells Lorelai that she accidentally touched her while Luke was repairing at the hostel where they work.

"So how was it?" Said Lorelai. Sookie replies: "His buttocks? He has a good shape." Luke prohibits then, "Do you want these two to stop talking about my buttocks?"

While the scene continues, Lorelai jokes more comments on her buttocks in their conversation, such as "we just wanted a guy with a good opinion" and "it's my way of saying thank you for parading this pretty Ass here. "At one point, Lorelai says that the comments are" all positive "and Luke responds," and bad taste ".

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Patterson thinks that the scene is a bad representation of his character.

Scott Patterson at the Kiehl's LifeRide for Amfar 10th Anniversary Party in 2019
Dfree / Shutterstock

"Put yourself in my place," continued Patterson on the podcast. "Get there in front of all these people who turn and that's how the creator of this show sees this character. That you can humiliate it and remove his dignity all this scene and it's ok. And it was not Not agree with me and I hated this scene. It is the only thing I hate in this episode is this scene. "AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

At another moment of the podcast, he said: "I think it really reduces the character [from Luke] and I think it really reduces their characters [from Lorelai and Sookie] to get involved in something like that."

He was uncomfortable on the set.

The cast of
Images Kevin Winter / Getty

Patterson's problem is not only with the content of the scene, but with the fact that he had to continue to make it outside simply shooting the scene. He also mentioned learning the lines and repeating at the table. "You don't want to be treated as if you were a kind of stick of meat," he said.

In the end, butt jokes made his career doubt about Patterson. "What are the members of the academy when they see this scene?" he wondered. "Oh, we were able to name it. You know that the buttock scene was incredible. Best buttocks. ' I mean, really. I really asked why I was doing the show. "

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Patterson felt guilty not to express himself.

Amy Sherman-Palladino and Scott Patterson at the
Images Kevin Winter / Getty

Patterson said he did not speak at the time of his feelings. "I never said anything, so I was angry with myself that I never said anything," he said. "But, you know, I had this job and I didn't want to make waves and all that."

The actor said he had spoken toGilmore Girls CreatorAmy Sherman-Palladino About his podcast in general, because he wondered if he had to go lightly with regard to criticism of the show. She told him to share her true opinions.

From the buttock scene, he finally concluded that "I overcome it", but he added laughing, "apparently, maybe I did not do it."

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