The sign of the zodiac most likely to browse the world, according to astrologers

Their free nature leads them to constant adventures.

Most people would list travel as one of their favorite activities. We all like to take a break in the daily grind,See new places, and try new things. But for some people, the booking of plane tickets is more a constraint than a hobby. These people are inclined to trigger at any time, to immerse themselves in new cultures and to delight people at home withStories of their adventures. It turns out that this trait could be determined by their horoscope. In front of us, astrologers tell us the signs of the zodiac most likely to browse the world, of those who have a moderate vagabond to those who are rarely in the same place for more than a weekend.

Read this then:The most passionate zodiac sign, according to an astrologer.


Gay couple hiking on vacation

This sign - represented by crab - is aKnown home form, always happy to crawl in his shell. But in some respects, this quest for the house can also lead them to travel.

"Crabs from the stock of immigrants are the most likely to visit the countries of origin of their parents and their grandparents from all signs of the zodiac," saidVirginie Castiglione, an astrologer atAigue-Marine Contents. "The roots are very important for cancer, and living their ancestral cultures is something in which they attach a lot of value."

During their trips, you will find them to chat with the locals to see if their family name rings bells and tests local cuisine.


someone pointing on a map

Travel the worldrequires an organization and diligence - two traits that the bull has in abundance. In addition, they have a penchant for fun.

"If they experience the greatest pleasure far from home, they will make room for travel abroad in their budgets and will really follow," explains Castiglione. Expect that they prefer holidays at the beach quietly or long-term trips that require jumping in many logistical hoops (they have patience and attention to detail to make it easily).

Read this then:Your luckiest day of the year, according to your zodiac sign.


Woman on safari with binoculars

Aquarius travels to break their routine and fight boredom. "Water bearers need regular upheavals, new experiences and location changes," saidAlice Alta,,resident astrologer For the Futurio application. "In addition, they are likely to surprise everyone around them with their destination. For example, when everyone goes to luxurious stations, a Aquarius can go to Africa to familiarize themselves with native tribal rituals."AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

They can alsosuddenly, without saying first to close friends or family. You will be shocked when they publish a photo on social networks. "She iswhere?! ""


Group Of Mature Friends On Vacation Walking Along Path Through Campsite At Sunset

Gemini is adventurous,friendly and extrovert- And the trip enlightens them and makes them feel alive. "They want unforgettable experiences and communication with new people," said Alta. "Gemini people take place simply to change the landscape a little."

But although they can travel often, they might not travel far. "For example, it is typical of a Gemini to go to a neighboring city for the weekend," explains Alta. "However, they should learn to understand other cultures more deeply and to explore new worlds more readily." In doing so, they can get the most out of their getaways.


woman in a museum wearing a mask because of Covid

Fish is a spiritual traveler andLet their hearts guide them from one destination to another. "They revel in lost cultures, ancient civilizations and paintings that tell a story," saysCharlotte Kirsten, professional astrologer and founder of astrology and esoteric blogGenerally topical. "They are looking for a deeper meaning when they travel, and you will see them frequently lounging around a museum or wandering in the paved streets of Europe."

Even when they are not on vacation, they will plan their next trip - make Pinterest tables and read history specific to the site to be prepared fully.

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woman looking at flight schedules
Pong Beau / dropout

Each of the astrologers that we consulted have nicknamed the sagittarius the sign of the zodiac most likely to browse the world. "This steering wheel panel is renowned for its nature in search of freedom and free mind," explains Kirsten. "These ardent archers do not like anything more than immersing themselves in all that a country has to offer; food, culture, art, everything that allows them to expand their knowledge and widen their perspective on life. "

SaggiesIs not afraid to travel solo , either, and prefers to reserve a trip by themselves rather than waiting for a friend to be available. "If there is a cheap offer to a distant destination, you can bet that the Sagittarius will seize this opportunity," explains Kirsten. "Book now, ask questions later!"

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