Kate Walsh says her doctor rejected these symptoms of brain tumors as depression

The star "Grey's Anatomy" had a tumor the size of a lemon.

As a star of the successful series of the ABCGray anatomy andPrivate practice,,Kate walsh is best known for playing a doctor on television. But in 2015, the actor experienced a role reversal when she became a real patient in her own current medical drama. After noticing a series of strange symptoms, Walsh suddenly found himself in disagreement with health professionals who believed that she was suffering from depression. In the end, she received a diagnosis of meningiomabrain tumour "The size of a small lemon", which doctors have withdrawn with surgery. Read the rest to know what shocking symptoms that his doctors have rejected as psychosomatic, and for the important message that she now shares with others.

Read this then:The "crazy" way that Mark Ruffalo discovered that he had a brain tumor.

Walsh has presented very strange symptoms.

Kate Walsh
Images John Sciulli / Getty

Typically active and energized, Walshstarted to notice symptoms During his training sessions. "My instructor of Pilates said:" Hey, your right side dives "and I did not feel like I was gone, but I looked down and I could see it," it was she saysCosmopolitanIn 2017, adding that it experienced a severe exhaustion that no amount of coffee could cure.

His symptoms have progressed from there, affecting various areas of his life. "When I was driving, I started to move away in the right lane," she recalls. "And then around April, I started to have more cognitive difficulties.I felt like an aphasia, but he just couldn't find words; I would lose my thought, I could not finish the sentences, and that's when I really alarmed myself. ""

In fact, new symptoms were still emerging until the date of his MRI. "I broke my little finger at night before my MRI, because I had no perception of depth," she said.

Read this then:Wayne Osmond says it was her first sign of a brain tumor.

The actor then learned that she had a "very important brain tumor".

Kate Walsh
Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images

Walsh admits that when she started to feel symptoms of her tumor, evenshe thought they could be psychological, due to stress and overwork.

However, while speaking withCosmopolitan, the star said that at a certain level, she instinctively knew that she needed a neurologist, and "really pushed" to be referred to a specialist. "I really had to defend because they do not distribute bits so easily, but II have an MRI And thank God, I did it because it turned out that I had a very important brain tumor in my left frontal lobe. And three days later, I was in surgery for having removed it, "she said." It was more than five centimeters, like a little lemon in my head, causing a lot of damage. ""

Before that, her symptoms have been rejected as a depression, she said.

Kate Walsh
Jon Kopaloff / FilmMagic via Getty Images

Although Walsh experiences a range of disturbing symptoms due to its tumor, it says that it initially encountered disbelief and condescension. "When II went to the neurologist [To ask for an MRI], he says to himself, "Why?" What do you think you will find? "", Did she saySelf In 2018. "And he was very condescending. He said to me:" You are an actress, you are in her forties, you do not work. "" As an alternative to an MRI, the doctor offered a prescription for antidepressants. "I said to myself," respectfully, I have a mental health professional. an MRI. ""AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

When the MRIdid In the end, reveals his tumor, Walsh says that she felt both shock and relief. "It was crazy. The whole situation was so overwhelming, and I was so relieved to know that there was something bad, that it was not only my imagination and that my instinct was correct," a- she saidCosmopolitan.

She now has this message for others.

Kate Walsh
Jeffrey Mayer / Wireimage via Getty Images

Walsh says survivor atPainful health experience Completely change in her health approach: she now focuses on preventive care thanks to regular checks. Having once considered the medical world as "an ivory tower", it is also preparing with many questions, without fear of "disturbing geniuses".

"We are all so socialized to try to self-diagnosis, like:" I will change my training, I will change my diet "", she saidCosmopolitan. "I am very proactive, voluntary and independent, and in the past, even if I played a doctor on television for years, I was not the type to see the doctors very often, except for my annual meeting On the Ob-Gyn. Me, it was a very big wake-up call to make annual exams, "she said.

"I love the idea of ​​changing the framing around health care and changing it from a reactionary thing -" Oh my God, I am sick, I have to go to the doctor - to something more in the direction Preventive treatments, "she continued." We should go for an exam in the same way as we go to the gymnasium, just preventively, instead of waiting for something to go wrong. "

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