If you don't eat that, your risk of hip fracture goes up, a new study said

The exclusion of these foods from your diet is linked to a 33% increase in hip fractures.

As they get older, it becomes more and more important to protect your bones. This is because older adults - and older disproportionate women - often find that their bones becomeweaker or brittle how time passes. "Peoplelose bone mass or density As we get older, especially women after menopause, "Mont Sinai experts explain." The bones lose calcium and other minerals. "Now, a new study has found a link between a particular eating habit and a risk of hip fracture. The researchers say that if you do not eat this one thing, your hip fracture chances could be up to 33 % higher. Read the rest to know what food can protect the health of your bone and which diet could endanger you.

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The hip fracture is surprisingly common and can have serious consequences.

senior woman falling down lying on floor at home alone.

With an expanding population of seniors, falls and hip fractures are a growing problem that affectsOne in three women And one in 12 man in their lives. Eighty-six percent of all hip fractures occur in people aged 65 and over, indicates a 2010 study published in the journalGeriatric orthopedic surgery and rehabilitation.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

This can have serious consequences for those who experience a hip fracture - as well as their caregivers. "Hip fractures are associated with significant morbidity, mortality, loss of independence and a financial burden," write the authors of the study. "In usual care, one year mortality reported after having undergone a hip fracture was estimated at 14% at 58%."

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If you don't eat that, your risk of hip fracture increases, the study indicates.

Chicken breast

According to a study in August 2022 published inBMC medicine, women whoDo not eat meat are 33% more likely toDiscover the hip fracture Compared to women who regularly eat meat. The authors of the study thought it was relevant that the average body mass (BMI) index of the vegetarian cohort was slightly lower than that of the meat eating cohort.

"While a lower BMI is beneficial for many health problems, the fact of sub-ponderation can cause insufficient fatty mass and poor health of bones and muscles, which can eachIncrease the risk of hip fracture"Said the author of the studyJames Webster, MSC, doctoral researcher at the School of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Leeds in England. "People with fat mass have less cushioning during falls and falls represent 90% of hip fractures," he said.

However, those who said they had eaten meat had a higher prevalence of other health problems.

Doctor using digital tablet and talking to patient at home

Although vegetarian women are more likely to feel a hip fracture, they wereless likely to report several other serious health conditions, according to the study. "The prevalence of MCV [cardiovascular disease], cancer or diabetes during recruitment was the highest in ordinary and lowest meat eaters in vegetarians," noted the authors of the study. In cases of these serious illnesses, having a higher BMI is considered a risk factor.

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Eating meat in small quantities can be protective against hip fracture.

woman eating salad with chicken
Farknot Artchitect / Shutterstock

Given the risks associated with the consumption of a diet rich in meat, the point of restraint of the study isnot Eat as much meat as possible to combat the risk of hip fracture. The authors of the study rather indicate previous research which suggests that eating moderately or occasional meat could be beneficial for bone health. "Other epidemiological studies have revealed that adherence to low regimes in meat consumption, such as theMediterranean diet And an alternative index of healthy food, was associated in a protective manner with the risk of hip fracture, "wrote the team.

If you eat a diet that includes minimum quantities of meat, be sure to focus your nutritional efforts on obtaining enough protein, vitamin D, vitamin B12 and calcium. Regular meat eaters have reported the largest contribution of these vitamins and minerals, while the vegetarians said the lowest.

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