The most sarcastic zodiac sign, according to astrologers

They will make their remarks with an impassive face, even if they are kidding.

Of course, the sarcasm works well on the comedy scene, but when this character trait applies to someone in your life, it can be frustrating. If this person is self-depreciating, impassive orEven a little rude, it can be difficult to know whether to laugh or cry in their remarks. If it looks like someone you know, you may want to consider their star sign. Continue to read to hear professional astrologers on the signs of the most sarcastic zodiac, from slightly sarcastic to endless.

Read this then:The most spiritual sign of the zodiac, according to astrologers.


white male coworker yelling at younger female and male office employees
Shutterstock / Fizkes

AccordingCharlotte Kirsten, founder ofAstrology blog Typically topical, Capricorn "wins the title of the most rude sarcastic zodiac sign. ""AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Known for their intensecareer of spirit and ambition, this sign can often be more concerned with achieving their goals than from whom they offer the way. "Regular by Saturn, the prime contractor of the planets, Capricorn specifically uses sarcasm to show their annoyance and frustration square, in particular with your work ethics," explains Kirsten. They are not afraid to tell you exactly what they think and will not be quick to emphasize your mistakes.


Young man being annoyed by young woman at dinner
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Regarding aquaries, it is their impassive humor that will constantly ask you if they are joking or are serious. "Their delivery is simply impeccable - the timing, the tone and the wording, they cannot be beaten", according toPsychic celebrity and astrologer Inbaal Honigman. She says it is also "their personal comedy force", which is suitable since the Aquarius is themost eccentric zodiac sign. They are not afraid to get up in front of a crowd and share their unconventional opinions or their bizarre behaviors.

Although most of the time, they will make you laugh out loud, "depending on their mood, this jovial joke can soon turn south," warns Kirsten. "They are not afraid to launch caustic remarks to evacuate their irritation." This is particularly true if you have gone against something that feels very passionate.

Read this then:The most mean zodiac sign, according to astrologers.


woman frowning and pointing to another woman

Virgosare perfectionists, which results them from being "knowledge of the zodiac", explains Kirsten. "These highly logical individuals have done the research [and] found the facts ... their knowledge far exceeds those of their peers or colleagues and they are not afraid to let you know." Their sarcastic side comes into play mainly in the workplace, she notes, that they use "to punish others for their incompetence".

Author and astrologer Lisa Barretta Explains that the critical side of the Virgin is the result of being "governed by the" night "side of mercury". She says that if you insult this sign, in extreme cases "they will become thugs with sarcastic remarks directed at your weakest points."


people laughing at office friendly jokes

For sagittarians, "all types of humor is natural ... joke, insinuation, overestimation, euphemism and of course, sarcasm", explains Honigman. "Sagis will literally say anything to laugh."

But they are also known for theirtactlessness, with an assertion that can border the offensive. "Their sarcasm is generally dosed with a little rudeness and rudeness that they are trying to pass the humor," notes Barretta.

In most cases, however, the root of this franchise does not come from a bad place. "Sagittarians are always trying to inject humor into trying and difficult situations, which can sometimes mean that they strike the bad agreement with more serious and practical signs," explains Kirsten. Their comments could be funny, butperhaps Funeral is not the right time to make a joke.

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Unlike Virgos, the geminis are "directed by the" day "side of mercury", underlines Barretta. As Kirsten notes, Mercury is the planet of opinions and communication, therefore "Gemini prides their ability to solve the problems Directly, if not antagonist ".

This makes them extremely vivid, winning the title ofThe funniest sign of the zodiac. They like to entertain their friends and family with hilarious stories, and as they are the sign of twins, their duality allows them to integrate into any social framework.

This bilateral nature also means that Gemini tries to expose "the satirical side of life", explains Barretta. "Their sarcasm is not so mean but the more intention of making you see the two sides of the things from the sublime to the ridiculous." If you are going through a difficult period, their smart comments can just be the thing to refuse your frowning.


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Among astrologers, there was no doubt that Scorpion is the most sarcastic sign of the zodiac. "There is only one sign with a bite in the tail, and it's the scorpion," explains Honigman. "It is a water panel, and therefore they notice small details that would be great to make fun. They are also led by Mars, the planet of the war, so you don't mind going a little bit to The bone ... it's only a joke, after all. "

Although the Scorpion is not known to be soft and charismatic, they have an authentic and confident side that attracts people. "They can launch an insult and make a light joke look," says Kirsten. She says they often use sarcasm as a means of binding with others, using "their mind and charm to infuse humor in any situation".

But be notified that the Scorpion hasAn intensely brooding side, and in some cases, they will prick you exactly where it hurts. "They can be implacable once they are mounted on a sarcastic roll," warns Barretta. Everything is just in love and war, right?

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