10 lifehas that will greatly facilitate your life in the journey

Travel is one of the most pleasant things on Earth. Who has not realized this, will definitely come to this conclusion. And so that your any voyage passed as pleasant as possible, we recommend reading these 10 explanatory tips.

Travel is one of the most pleasant things on Earth. Who has not realized this, will definitely come to this conclusion. And so that your any voyage passed as pleasant as possible, we recommend reading these 10 explanatory tips.

Always make copies of documents: passports, insurance, air tickets and armor apartments. Save the copies on the phone, tablet, flash drive, in the cloud storage or email. It is even better to use several options at once. After all, life is unpredictable thing. And these copies will help you to save time and nerves, if suddenly the originals are lost.

We advise you to have several maps and accounts and accounts of different banks. Ideally - keep funds in accounts, and not on the maps. At any time, you can transfer money to the card using the Internet Bank immediately before removal. And in case you lose a map or stole it, it will be empty.

Easy unpredictability of the journey always makes it happy. But it is better not to overdo with it. Sweep yourself and download the application to your phone with offline cards, for example, your favorite Maps.me. Another nice application running offline mode, Wi-Fi Map - wherever you are, the application will easily visit your Wi-Fi points for you.

PowerBank is an indispensable gadget for each traveler. It is better to purchase several pieces at once so that at the most necessary moment "not to discharge."

All devices, gadgets, microusb-shoelaces, adapters for a socket and other useful things always take with you to the cockpit of the aircraft. Anyone can happen. If the luggage is lost, the "useful" technique will remain next to you. Go find, then in the jungle adapter for microSD.

The first-aid kit is a very important thing in the journey. Take all the necessary preparations: antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antibiotics and further on the list. Forget the first-aid kit is extremely uninforced. Abroad, many drugs cost significantly more expensive, and some drugs you just can not buy, because without a doctor's prescription they are not for sale.

Free toiletries are not available at all hotels. And if they are, we will be honest, their quality leaves much to be desired. A great solution to the problem is a compact road set for personal hygiene. Favorite shampoo, air conditioning and cream will always be with you.

Separate theme - female hygienic agents. Even if on the calendar you have nothing to foresee, be more prudent. In Asian countries, for example, women's personal hygiene objects are not cheap.

Never fold things. So that the clothes occupied less space in the suitcase and the bends did not appear on it, twist it in the rollers. Such a cunning will allow you to forget about the need to iron things on trips.

Do not even think to take a trip to the journey shoes. You do not want shy corners to spoil you all the impression of the trip.

Categories: Food&Travel
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