Fitness tricks on science that add years to your life

Exercise is good for your life. But these tips for exercise? They are really good for your life.

Of course, exercise is wonders for your appearance, heart, muscles, energy levels and mental well-being, but it is also an essential ingredient for living long and healthy healthy. After all, you probably do not need to consult a doctor to find out that choosing the gym on the couch is always the healthier option. That being said, there are a number of specific fitness elements that you can incorporate into your exercise plan to help promote increased longevity. Curious to know what they are? Continue reading to learn more about secret fitness tricks that can add years to your life. And if you drop a few books is your goal, see here to learnThe secret turn to walk to become skinny, says a new study.


Be social when you transpire

Portrait of young runners enjoying workout on the sea front path along the shoreline. Running club group running along a seaside promenade.

Search published inProcedure of the Mayo Clinic Data used on 8,500 generally healthy Danish adults, whose health outcomes were followed for a period of 25 years, investigating the relationship between team sports and longevity. While people who reported "health club activities" or who go only at the gym alone, as their main source of exercises added an average of 1.5 years at their service life, while players from tennis added an average of 9.7 years. Meanwhile, badminton players have added 6.2 years, football players have added 4.7 years, cyclists have added 3.7 years, swimmers have added 3.4 years and jogging added 3, 2 years.

Why does tennis encourage such a great longevity increases? "It's intensely interactive," explains the study authorJames O'Keefe, MD, a cardiologist at the Heart Institute of Saint Luke of Saint Luke. "At every point, you speak. It's just a very natural way to link emotionally with people, in addition to getting your exercise." And for big news of fitness, you can use, read on the surpriseSide effect to lift weight only 2 days a week.


Always add squats to your workouts

Turned half side full length size photo portrait of beautiful attractive charming confident girl doing squats in spacious large big light modern domestic gym

Squatting comes easier everywhere than others, but everyone should integrate squats into their exercise routine. Everyone knows that squats reinforce legs and buttocks, but it has also been shown thatImprove posture, to helpstruggle, andbone force.

Although all of this certainly helps promote a longer life in a roundabout, consider the conclusions of this study published in theEuropean Journal of Preventive Cardiology. The researchers found that older seniors (aged from 51 to 80 years old) capable of raising a crouching position without the use of their hands were much less likely to disappear over the next six years compared to their peers. similar to those who could not get up.

"It is well known that the aerobic fitness is strongly linked to survival, but our study also shows that the maintenance of high levels of body flexibility, muscle strength, power to body weight ratio and coordination are not only useful for the realization of daily activities, but have a favorable influence on life expectancy, "saysClaudio Gil Araújo, MD, the principal investigator of the study.

"The correct position for a rest squat sees you squatting, folded knees, background almost on the floor, with flat heels"Tim Allardyce, a physiotherapist in Surrey Physio in Mitcham, the United Kingdom, saidThe daily mail.


Make sure the intensity is there

female using rowing machine in the gym. Young woman doing cardio workout in fitness club.

There is nothing wrong with it easily at a workout - you should always listen to your body, of course, but make sure you pick up the intensity during your exercises when you can. Search published inJAMA internal medicine concludes that the addition of 150 weekly vigorous exercise weekly minutes to its training plan can extend the service life.

More than 400,000 people were followed for six years. Those who reported a higher proportion ofvigorous Physical activity with reference to the total duration dedicated to work was at a much lower risk of premature death.

To be clear, these results do not advise everyone comes out and pushes at the edge of the exhaustion every day. Moderation is the key. "At the right dose, a vigorous activity is a great thing. It disputes the body's cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems in a greater extent than moderate activity", "Carol Mack, D.p.t., c.s.c.s. RecountRider's world.


If you walk, walk quickly

Beautiful healthy woman in pink running on the beach

Innumerable research projects have shown that fast or faster walkers tend to live longer than those who are usually Mosey. This study of 450,000 people published inProcedure of the Mayo ClinicReports that faster walkers have a better chance of living longer than slower workers, regardless of their corporal mass index (BMI). It is important to note that the researchers have defined a "fast rhythm" at least 3 miles per hour (or 100 steps per minute).

On average, slow female walkers lived at about 72 years, while faster female walkers lived at the age of 87 years. Men who have lived at about 86 years old, while slow male walkers had a life of 65 years.

"Our conclusions could help clarify the relative importance of physical condition in relation to the body weight on the life expectancy of individuals. In other words, the results suggest that physical condition is perhaps a better indicator of life expectancy that the body mass index (BMI) and what to encourage the population to participate in the fast walk can add years to their lives, "says the author of main studiesTom YatesPh.D., MSC, BSC, professor of physical activity, sedentary behavior and health at the University of Leicester. And if you like walking to exercise, make sure you are aware ofThe walking shoe of the secret that walkers everywhere are totally obsessed with.


Walk at least 4,500 steps every day

Happy Asian girl backpack in the road and forest background, Relax time on holiday concept travel ,color of vintage tone and soft focus

It's not just the pace of walking that influences longevity, but also. Arecent studyofAmerican Heart AssociationFollowed by a group of nearly 17,000 older women for nearly a decade. In comparison with women taking no daily stage, each initial increase of 1,000 daily stages has resulted in a 28% decrease in death during the follow-up period. It is important to note that this effect has been considered whether women have occurred or not in all their stages of a session or simply worked periodically all day.

In addition, compared to the least active women, participants work 4,500 steps per day had a significantly lower death risk. "Our current results indicate that this conclusion is even for women who do not engage in uninterrupted battles of walking. Taking 2,000 additional steps during the fighting was associated with other benefits for longevity," explains Christopher C . Moore, MS, a doctorate student in epidemiology at theUniversity of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. And for more reasons to hit these 4,500 steps every day, see here forWhat works for only 20 minutes made to your body, according to science.

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