7 ways to stimulate your heart health, according to experts
Some simple lifestyle habits can help keep your tiecker in the form of a point.

To watchWarning signs on your heart health- as well as to make sure to ask your doctorGood questions about heart disease- must be a key element of your wellness routine. But just as important is to incorporate healthy practices for the heart in your daily life.
Heart disease isThe main cause of death In the United States, according to centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And despite the fact that most heart disease can beeffectively addressed Thanks to healthy lifestyle choices, the mortality rate of people with heart problemscontinues to increasereports the American College of Cardiology. Read more to find out what choices will benefit your heart health, so that you can put them into practice.
Read this then:Eat this 4 times a week reduces the risk of death of heart attack, the study says.
1 Stop smoking

Are you still smoked despitepotential repercussions, such as cancer? Here is another reason to stop: "[smoking] is one of the main reasons for heart disease," warnsMadathupalayam Madhankumar, MBBS, ms. This includes vaping: nicotine, whether smoked, vapor or chewed "Increase your heart rate And the probability of having a heart attack, "said Johns Hopkins Medicine.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
2 Reduce salt

"An excess of sodium intake can cause high blood pressure," advises Madhankumar. The Heart Foundation notes that "processed and packaged foods are responsible for most of the people of people eat". They recommend eating a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables to protect your heart.
3 Eat a healthy diet

What you eat has a huge effect on your heart, and it's not just a matter of salt. Ahealthy food for the heart Can reduce your risk of heart disease by 31%, diabetes by 33%and a 20%stroke, according to Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
"The best diet to prevent heart disease is a person full of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fish, poultry and vegetable oils", explains the site, adding that a healthy diet "goes easily On red and transformed meats, refined carbohydrates, food and drinks with added sugar, sodium and food with trans fat. "
4 Limit your alcohol consumption or give up completely

"There are many reports that moderate alcohol consumption, especially red wine, is beneficial for heart health, but there is no evidence," notes Madhankumar. "Drinking too much alcohol can cause abnormal heart rhythms, heart muscle damage, high blood pressure and other diseases."
In addition, "alcohol can contribute to obesity andLong list of health problems This can accept, "reports Johns Hopkins Medicine." Alcohol is a source of excessive calories and a cause of weight gain that can be harmful in the long term, "write their experts.
The site notes that if you choose to consume alcohol, it is best to make sure that it is in moderate quantities. "Moderate consumption is defined as an average of one glass per day for women and one or two for men," explains the site, warning that "a drink could be lower than what you think: 12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of spirits at 80 years old. "
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5 Watch your weight

More than ever, it is understood that maintaining a healthy weight goes hand in hand with a healthy diet. "[B] Eing Obese seems to be a" solo player "associated with a heart injury-that is to say, regardless of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes", "Chiadi Ndumele, MD, MHS, told Johns Hopkins Medicine. "At the bottom of the road, this can lead to heart failure."
6 Try to de -stress

It's easier to say than to do, butReduce your stress level has an effect on your heart health. "Stress can increase blood pressure [and] heart rate, so it is important to manage stress," explains Madhankumar, who adds that "studies have proven that meditation for only 15 minutes per day can reduce the risk of Heart crisis and stroke. "And don't forget that stress is harmful to your health in many ways too - which is only other reason to exploreways to calm you down.
7 Do regular exercise

Not only does physical exercise help you maintain healthy weight, but it's good for your heart in many ways. Harvard health listssome of them , which include helps reducing blood pressure and bad cholesterol, as well as regulating your blood sugar and "encourage the arteries of the heart to dilate more easily [and help] your sympathetic nervous system (which controls your heart rate and your blood pressure) to be less reactive. " The site notes that some of these changes take place over a period of weeks, months or years, but that "even a single exercise can protect your heart immediately".

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